
Monday, September 30, 2019

Applying Social Anthropology to Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily

Literature has always served as a great resource for documenting the past. Despite its fictional qualities, its ability to represent people of a specific generation makes it a valuable instrument to help social anthropologists characterize societies.In particular, William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily provides details about the Southern American people in the early 1900s. Reflecting on the story’s characterization and angle of narration, readers can easily come up with a view of Southern people’s attitudes and values.Certain attitudes and values are reflected in the story as it focuses on a single major character, Miss Emily Grierson. Born in an aristocratic family in the early 1900s, Miss Emily is bound to submit to strict family rules and traditions that her society imposes, one of which is giving utmost respect to her father, who raises her up on his own.Pictured as a woman with very strong attachment and dependence on her father, Miss Emily finds it too difficu lt to move on after the death of the old man. Such implies the importance the Southerners gave their family, especially their parents, but also reveals the drawbacks of authoritarian parenthood practiced in those times.With her father as her only guide, Emily is treated with preciosity (West 193). This makes her believe that she is different from other girls, and that no man truly deserves her. This mindset greatly affects the way she relates with others, especially with men. Her father’s restriction on her, which is mainly due to the social standing they try to maintain, severely affects Miss Emily’s view of life and relationship.As the story suggests, preciosity leads to a psychological imbalance, which is made worse by the loss of her father. Her refusal to bury her father, her murder of Homer, and the years she spent sleeping with the latter’s cadaver suggest a distorted mentality and family orientation.In Littler (cited in Akers), Faulkner himself expressed sympathy towards his character. This explains the reason why he created Miss Emily’s character.Having observed the effects of aristocratic family system, Faulkner attempts to make his readers feel ridiculous about Miss Emily’s fate, thus implying the need to revisit certain family values practiced during his time. However, while his attempt to provide social criticism may arouse sympathy towards women like Miss Emily, it may also cause readers to ridicule the characters and the society they live in considering the story’s angle of narration.Narrated by limited-seeing narrator, the story suggests bias on the part of Miss Emily and even the townspeople. Beginning with the protagonist’s funeral, the narrator may be assumed to be of younger age than Miss Emily. If the story begins with Miss Emily’s childhood, readers may be led to believe that the narrator is Miss Emily’s contemporary. However, since it highlights not only the funeral but also the gothic elements (Littler, cited in Akers) in Miss Emily’s life, one may be inclined to believe that a lesser attachment exists between the narrator and the main character, despite Faulkner’s expression of sympathy towards women like Miss Emily.As the narrator comments, Miss Emily has been â€Å"a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town.† This statement supports the view that more than sympathy, Miss Emily’s character is looked upon with contempt and ridicule. Notably, the narrator highlights events leading to Miss Emily’s fall and the town’s discovery of her insanity. The respect that the people once had is suddenly lost along with the death of her father.This means that the people paid respect to Miss Emily and made her a â€Å"duty and a hereditary obligation† owing to what her father has done for the people, and not because of the way she conducts herself in society or how people feel genera lly about others. Although divided into five parts, the story presents three timelines namely, the remote past, the immediate past and the present. The remote past hints on how Miss Emily is raised in seclusion and is made to believe that no one is worthy of her.The immediate past includes her father’s death, Homer’s disappearance, Miss Emily’s purchase of a rat poison, her refusal to pay land taxes, and the foul smell from her house that the people complain about. These two timelines present ideas that could lead readers to a contemptuous reaction towards Miss Emily’s character. Moreover, the present time where the people find â€Å"a long strand of iron-gray hair† further suggests the anomaly in Miss Emily’s life, making her look more horrible and loathsome.Considering the angle of narration, it is more conclusive that readers would see Miss Emily’s characterization in a negative view. The events leading to her tragic end portray Mi ss Emily in a negative manner, thus soliciting a negative reaction from the readers and implying how the narrator feels about the main character.However, it is equally important to consider that the shift in timelines suggests change in the way people regard Miss Emily. It should be noted that the Old Grierson’s death is what brings Emily to her downfall and the decrease in the amount of respect she gets from the neighbors. This change in the people’s treatment of a once respected figure mirrors the way Southerners value family reputation and tradition.As the narrator reveals, the people respect Miss Emily for what her father has done for the community. Honoring people’s contribution to society is a sign of respect still demonstrated by the Southern American society until now. However, in the case of Miss Emily, questions regarding her morality and seclusion also lead the people to feel otherwise.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Questions concerning criminal law Essay

i. What are the specific aims & purposes of the criminal law? To what extent does the criminal law control behaviour? Do you believe that the law is too restrictive or not restrictive enough? The specific aims and purposes of criminal law is to punish criminals, and prevent people from becoming future criminals by using deterrence. â€Å"Having a criminal justice system that imposes liability and punishment for violations deter.† (Paul H. Robinson, John M. Darley, Does Criminal Law Deter? A Behavioural Science Investigation, Oxford Journal of Legal studies, volume 24, No. 2 (2004), pp. 173-205). Criminal law intimidates citizens because most people won’t want to be arrested or have a write up on their personal record. Criminal law controls behaviour but only outlines what a good citizen should be doing, by creating laws. â€Å"More precisely, the term refers to substantive criminal law – a body of law that prohibits certain kinds of conduct and imposes sanctions for unlawful behaviour.† (The Canadian Encyclopedia, Criminal Law, http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/criminal-law, para. 1.) Having laws and not enforcing them is pointless, so by creating a law you need to enforce it strictly so people stop committing the offence. Like in Alberta and other parts of Canada the Distracted Driving law was in full effect and anyone caught texting and driving or anything along those lines was given a major demerit dock, and a hefty ticket you need to pay. By doing this it enforces the law and creates that thought in the back of the citizens head that says â€Å"should I do that? What will happen if I text and drive and get caught?†. However, most criminals don’t have that subconscious thought and don’t care if they get caught breaking the law, that’s why so many criminals are re-offenders. Laws are either questions concerning criminal justice and safety too restrictive or not restrictive enough depending on where you live. Some people can be considered criminals in Canada, but be doing family honour killings in their homeland. Having pretty much non existent drinking ages in  Europe to the United States where you have to be 21 is absolutely unreasonable, and depending on where you live your laws can either be too restrictive, like in the US, or not restrictive at all, in Europe. There should be a universal drinking age of 16, and the driving age should be raised. Allowing teenagers and young adults to drive before they learn the effects of drinking is not a good policy. Too many citizens think because they have been driving for 2 – 4 years think that they can drive drunk which is not the case and creates a big problem. Among 18 – 24 year olds, they have the highest percentage in Canada for driving under the influence per 100,000 licensed patrons. Universally, if you lowered the drinking age and heightened the driving age to 21, hopefully less people would be drinking and driving because more people would have experienced the effect of alcohol before driving. If this actually worked then maybe less and less police officers would need to worry about check stops and be less restrictive on certain laws and would be able to focus on other important things around Canada. questions concerning criminal justice and safety  ii. Assuming that males are more violent than females; does that mean that crime has a biological rather than a social basis (because males & females share a similar environment)?  Statistically males made up for more then five times the amount of crime then females did in 2005. (Women and The Criminal Justice System, http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/89-503-x/2010001/article/11416-eng.htm.) Males aren’t biologically programmed to be more physically aggressive and commit more crimes, but when people say males commit more crimes because of testosterone, that is crazy because women have testosterone in their body’s too. Males commit more crimes because most males want to assert their â€Å"macho – ness† to females and prove that they are manly. When males are 20-25 years old, the highest category for committing a crime, they have no other ways to show females how manly they are other then fighting and committing crimes. I think the reason why older males don’t commit more crimes compared to the younger generation is because older folk have other ways to show their manliness like their job, how much money they have, or the kind of car that they drive. That being said crime has nothing to do with biology, but it  comes down to men trying to show how powerful they are in an attempt to â€Å"woo† a female. Concerning the fact that males and females sharing the same environment but males being â€Å"more violent†, I think the reason is because males aren’t as protected as females are. During high school kids always hear about fathers or brothers who will protect their child or sibling from anyone that hurts them in any way. You never hear a sister or a mother saying that about their questions concerning criminal justice and safety son. (Introduction to Criminology, Lecture 3, September 23, 2013, Professor Jan Stanners.) So another factor about females being less aggressive is the fact that they are protected more and almost restricted from certain things because more people worry about girls then boys. Studies are also showing that women’s crime rates are increasing quite noticeably while males are slowly dropping. I think this is because since the 1950-80’s women’s roles were typically stay at home moms taking care of the children, etc. But now women have a lot more freedoms and have jobs and can they can now do whatever they please just like males, so I think that’s why female crime rates are rising steadily. Also, according to the statscan government website it shows that females have a higher victimization rate between the ages of 18-44, which we expect because men are â€Å"more violent†. However after that age range the males become the more victimized group which I found very interesting because that in itself refutes any debate of men being more violent because of testosterone, because no matter how old you are your body is still producing testosterone. questions concerning criminal justice and safety iii. Do you agree with the assessment that for young people, a school is one of the most dangerous locations in a community? Did you find your high school to be a dangerous environment?  Ã¢â‚¬Å"According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 17 teens were killed at schools and five children killed themselves in the year ending June 30, 2002.† (School Safety, http://www.ncpc.org/topics/school-safety.) School can be a very dangerous place for teenagers depending on the area of town that they live in. In Calgary high schools are more safe down south then in  Forrest Lawn just because of the type of families and people there are around influencing the teenagers. The type of influence a teenager gets can lead them on the path to becoming a bully. At the Columbine shootings two teenagers shot and killed many innocent teenagers, in Michael Moores documentary it is shown that the two students were bullied occasionally which may have caused them to act out and shoot their peers. (Michael Moore, Bowling For Columbine, 2002.) As far as schools being one of the most dangerous areas in the community I find that hard to believe. Around schools you have teachers and counsellors supervising you and helping you throughout your 3 years so it can’t be as dangerous as people make it out to be. However the activities that take place outside of school I think are the most violent ones. They involve students and peers that you’ve met through high school and I believe people are getting those two things mixed up, but that’s just from personal experience because inside of my high school was relatively safe. We had a lockdown where a student from another school came into ours with a knife looking for a student in one of the classes but the police came and handled the situation accordingly and our teachers were well prepared questions concerning criminal justice and safety and practiced lockdowns on a regular basis. Later we all found out this situation happened because of activity outside of school. My personal experiences in high school I never had a physical altercation with anyone but in grades 10 and 11 a lot of students would make organized fights after school and a big crowd would join. I think this relates to the previous question on men being more violent, because teenagers have no other way to assert their manliness to friends and girls other then to fight and beat someone up. I think the most dangerous places in our rural communities is back alleys at night time walking home from drinking at a friends or at a bar. You make yourself an easy target being drunk and that’s when criminals take the chance to mug you. By being at school it’s really hard to make yourself a big target with teaching staff all around you. To sum everything up I do not agree that schools are the most dangerous place for young people. In some instanced even your own home could be the most dangerous place to be and school could be like an escape for some students. questions concerning criminal justice and safety Reference Page The Canadian Encyclopedia, Criminal Law, http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/criminal-law, para. 1. Michael Moore, Bowling For Columbine, 2002.  Paul H. Robinson, John M. Darley, Does Criminal Law Deter? A Behavioural Science Investigation, Oxford Journal of Legal studies, volume 24, No. 2 (2004), pp. 173-205. School Safety, http://www.ncpc.org/topics/school-safety. Women and The Criminal Justice System, http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/89-503-x/2010001/article/11416-eng.htm.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hiring a Plant Manager at Dynamo Industries Case Analysis Essay

As the plant is facing two major issues in terms of higher production cost and poor worker relations, the candidate should possess good interpersonal skills as well as knowledge on production processes and management techniques. It would definitely be an advantage if the candidate is promoted within the ranks as this sends good signal within the organization about opportunities for personal growth for the employees. My rank ordering of my top four choices for the Pittsburg job is George Martin, Kathy Joyce, Frank Hall and Jay Davis. George Martin is currently the plant manager for Dynamo. George well with handling stress and interpersonal skills but he did poorly on the ability to resolve conflict. Kathy Joyce is currently a plant manager for Dynamo. She has the experience in the job and the company. She scored well on all areas and in most they build her capability to meet the job description. She also scores well in approaching stress and ability to succeed as a manager. Her overal l interview ratings are good and her performance and her scores are not the highest. My third choice is Frank Hall. His scores on work samples were among the highest and he scored in the normal range for intelligence and high on handwriting. Frank’s interviewer skills were high. His personality profile concerns me because ability to manage stress is mandatory in management positions and he fall in the low area. Otherwise he is in the medium range for all other personality testing. He also has experience in the field and as a plant manager. My fourth choice would be Jay Davis who is an assistant plant manager and has experience in management through this position in both St. Paul and Atlanta. He scores well in most of the personality profiles but a major issue was interacting with others and it might be a problem for working with other work related conflicts. He scored highest in intelligence, which leads me to believe he can meet the standards of the job descriptions. He was the lowest in work sample scoring, but highest in promotability which is keeping him f rom being in the top position for the job. My changes would include dropping the handwriting. Another  suggestion is to explain what the purpose of the intelligence test is or stop using it. There should also be better explanation of the criteria of the interviews. The personality profile is excellent and putting more emphasis on this would be a good idea. Also, it would be better to have an idea why each of the people applied for the position and why they feel they can do the job. In Conclusion, Looking at the various rating and the interview scores, two candidates stand out on overall selection to be selected as Plant Manager George Martin and Kathy Joyce. However, I would prefer Kathy Joyce because other than the selection evaluation scores, she is an employee of the company already.

Friday, September 27, 2019

W1CapA organizations business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

W1CapA organizations business strategy - Essay Example 1). The current discourse aims to present a description and evaluation of an organization’s business strategy. As such, to comply with this objective, the business strategy of DHL for 2015 was explicitly noted as involving â€Å"three core objectives: we want to be the provider of choice for customers, an attractive investment for shareholders and the employer of choice for our staff. These goals are all closely related: satisfied employees lead to satisfied customers, on whose loyalty the economic success of the company rests† (DHL, 2015, p. 1). This business strategy was reportedly formulated in 2009. As such, the strategy would be described in greater depth and would be evaluated in terms of the ability of the organization to achieve the identified goals. According to Lipsett (2003), â€Å"the strategic management process consists of three stages: strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation† (p. 15). Under strategy formulation, the definition of the mission and vision statement of the organization is explicitly communicated. DHL’s mission and vision statements are as follows: As such, one of the effective indicators of the organization’s effectiveness in achieving its explicitly defined goals is through evaluation of its financial results, market share, and share price information. The following financial summary highlights the significant changes that DHL has achieved from 2009 to 2015 in â‚ ¬M: In retrospect, using selected financial indicators, it is evident that DHL has significantly exhibited robust professional growth from 2009, when the business strategy has been formulated. Through effective implementation of effectively designed organizational strategies, the identified goals are deemed to be successfully achieved. However, one strongly believes that the evaluation of DHL’s business strategy should also be undertaken in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

D1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

D1 - Assignment Example But above all, the most important aspect is knowing how to use the code of conducts, since the application of the ethical code of conduct is the ultimate goal, to realize a good and fruitful relationship between children and their administrators (Feeney & Freeman, 2005). The knowledge of the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct impacts on how I solve ethical dilemma that may arise between me and the children. While working with children, it is fundamental to understand that some of the most important values upheld by the children may conflict, thus creating an ethical dilemma (Feeney & Freeman, 2005). Nevertheless, with the knowledge of the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct, it becomes easy to negotiate between the values and arrive at a decision that is neither contradictory nor inappropriate to the belief and value system of the child’s family, in the realization of the importance of the bond between a child and family (Feeney & Freeman,

Human Resource Management Practices Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Resource Management Practices - Assignment Example Internally, the employer faces the challenge of understaffing and lack of people with expertise in the major fields of practice. Externally, the employer is faced with stiff competition from other employers offering competitive employee benefits. Many employees with specialized skills have been poached from the company.SWOT Analysis:Strengths- good working relationships with the employees. Ability to understand the needs of and challenges facing the workforce. Weaknesses- Poor compensation for workers, understaffed organization. Opportunities- Availability of qualified personnel that are willing to learn including graduates that can be taped and trained to improve organizational performance.Threats- A highly competitive environment with organizations that offer better salaries for trained workers resulting in the problem of poaching. The challenges that the employer is facing can be addressed through human resources management practices to improve the employer’s competitivenes s. There is required a strong human resources department that is well equipped for the organization. To ensure the attraction and retention of people with quality skills and competence, human resources management practices of work-life balance, training and development and compensation must be affected. There should be instituted flexible working schedules for the employees and training and development to ensure that employees have the necessary skills, and there exist proper promotional procedures. Â  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Politics of Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Politics of Research - Essay Example Sheila Dow has gathered several economists to review Card and Krueger's important work Myth and Measurement: The New Economics of the Minimum Wage, and what is more important than what any of these individual reviewers has to say is the collective impression left by the reviewers: the politics of research play a far larger role than do the numbers themselves. Finis Welch is left calling for an entirely new set of standards to govern the process of economic research and interpretation (Dow 2002). Several of the reviewers in this article refer to the design of what Card and Krueger call their "natural experiments" designed to see how an increased minimum wage would affect employment. One of the primary arguments against an increase in minimum wage has been that employers would be forced to reduce their workforce numbers to accommodate the higher wage - or to raise prices to such a degree as to render the increased wage negligible. Card and Krueger find as their conclusion that this argument is not true - they conclude that the effect on employment of a higher minimum wage is almost nonexistent. Charles Brown (who, coincidentally, believes that a 10% increase in the minimum wage would decrease employment by 1%) criticizes Card and Krueger's methods, saying that their time window for measuring effects of an increased minimum wage is too short, and does not consider other factors, such as sunk and capital costs (Dow 2002). By contrast, Richard Freeman, who views the minimum wage as one palliative for this "era with rising inequality," agrees with the use of a short time window, because "[e]mpirical analysis of quantitative responses to price incentives is most convincing over periods during which the structure of the economy, technology, and so on can safely be viewed as fixed"(Dow 2002). And so even one's opinion of statistical methodology, it seems, is related to one's prevailing opinion about the topic at hand. If one wants to write a paper that has a certain result, the temptation will soon arise to allow the statistical analysis to provide only a particular answer. Paul Osterman makes note of an analysis that Card and Krueger conducted using past research. According to their study, not only have past economists decided not to publish papers about the minimum wage that would contradict the prevailing argument about the danger to employment numbers, but even within papers that were published, they have "simply [ignored] findings that were inconsistent with the point the authors wanted to make" (Dow 2002). Of course, this manipulation and misuse of data is exactly what Finis Welch accuses Card and Krueger of doing in their own book: after dissecting Card and Krueger's studies and finding them too statistically insignificant to support a hypothesis, he asks, "Are these the kind of data that you would recommend as the basis for national policy"(Dow 2002). In addition to flaws in the design and implementation of particular research methods, this selection of reviews also provides insight to the inherent biases that the reviewers themselves bring to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 35

Assignment Example At year end he had 2,000 olives left in inventory. Since it appears the prices are rising very fast, perhaps due to inflation, FIFO method would appear more realistic in the eyes of the bank, unlike LIFO, which would result into unrealistically lower cost of goods sold and higher net income. Therefore, Mr. Jones should use FIFO method (Albrecht 45). Please solve the following Financial Statement Ratios using the Balance Sheet and Income Statement found below. Also tell me, in a sentence or two, what we have learned from each one. Don’t give me a definition of the ratio - tell me what these numbers tell us. A current ratio of 2.3 is a healthy liquidity level, since it means that the company is able to meet its short-term dues using its current assets/liquid assets. For that reason, the company cannot fall bankrupt easily (Baker, Benrud and Powell 112). This figure shows that the financial position of the company is fine. Having a positive working capital means that the company has enough liquid resources to pay its short-term liabilities when they fall due hence it cannot be declared bankrupt

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business environment report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Business environment report - Essay Example 331). In evaluating the performance of a company, we analyze the economic and financial consequences of the decisions made by the management as applied in the organizational activities of the company (Clipici & Gadoiu 2009, p. 331). As such, organizations value evaluations since they manifest the extent to which systems, people, and company activities relate to the principles of business excellence. This paper evaluates the performance of Vodafone from an inter-disciplinary perspective. To achieve this, the paper will use the above named measures to evaluate the performance of Vodafone. However, the paper will not address employee satisfaction in the evaluation since data on employee satisfaction is not available. The evaluation of the company’s performance derives a clear understanding of the present business position and its overall performance. This assessment equally creates a general market perception, derives the value of the company, and helps the management to make fut ure business decisions. Increasing revenues and profits are good measures of the company’s performance although evaluation also involves variance analysis, key performance indicators, customer satisfaction measurement, and employee satisfaction (Hill, 2013, p.1). It also involves the calculation of financial ratios like ROE, IRR, and CFROI (Hagel, Brown & Davison, 2010, p. 1) community development, sustainability, and comparing the company with entire industry. Development Vodafone Group Plc. (Vodafone) is a mobile communications company that offers a range of communications services in over 30 countries and over 40 partner markets across the globe. Its headquarters are in Newbury, United Kingdom, its business operations include voice, messaging, data and fixed-line solutions, and all devices related to satisfying communications needs (Vodafone, 2013, p. 1). Ethical Behavior and Code of Conduct Vodafone Company has a code of conduct that sets out the business principles of th e company, which consequently define how every person at the company should behave. Indeed, the company is committed to a strong ethical conduct where the code of conduct mandates all employees to uphold high ethical standards. This complies with Section 406 of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the rules issued by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. This mandates all registered companies to adopt a written code of ethics applicable to all stakeholders of a reference company (U.S Securities And Exchange Commission, 2003, p. 1). Vodafone Group Plc. strictly abides with these provisions and do not intend to waive the requirements of this code of conduct to any employee (Vodafone, 2010, p 1-6). As a result, all employees of Vodafone Company seek to promote honesty and ethical conduct in the articulation of their duties. Moreover, the company promotes complete, accurate, true, and timely disclosure of the Company's financial results to all stakeholders as required by the law. The company promotes compliance to relevant laws, rules, and regulations as well as condemning illegalities. More so, the company abhors high standards of business ethics and prevents its employees from seeking competitive advantage through unlawful or unethical business practices (Vodafone, 2010,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Computers are not confined to being used for entertainment but its role in education is also vast Essay Example for Free

Computers are not confined to being used for entertainment but its role in education is also vast Essay A. Introduction A library is a place in which literary and artistic materials such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference or lending. A collection of such materials, especially when systematically arranged; a room of private home for such collection. At first glance, your library is a bunch of books with a librarian to check them out to you, and back in when you return them. Your librarian insures (of tries to, as money permits) your library is well stocked with current titles. The librarian also has to keep the building neat and in good repair and also these things only shows a few of the things which make up your library. Now a day, in a highly technological society, human productivity is made more efficient through the development of electronic gadgets. Now, with the advent of such modernization in education, one way to globalize the process of research is to realize that technology is advancing at an incredibly fast pace. In School, reading materials are stored in libraries. Library is a place in which books and related materials are kept for use but not for sale. It is also organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution or a private individual. In addition, it is a place in which we get information in any format and from many sources. The librarian has to keep the room neat so that it is conducive for learning. The librarian is also the person who is liable for monitoring all the books that are borrowed and returned by the borrowers. B. Background of the Study The proponents will propose the Library Books Borrowing and Returning System for General Miguel Malvar Elementary School located at Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila. . The Head Librarian, Mrs. Tina Guerrero stated that they are currently using the Dewey Decimal Library System. They are still utilizing a manual system. The library users and the librarian still use card catalogues in searching for reading materials and use index card for the records of borrowed and returned books. The proponent’s study was what is which encounter to the Library by the user, Librarian and how the Owner or the Administrator of the said school will provide a good service to their clients to have a good feedback. The study will focus on transaction which done inside the Library like borrowing, returning of books by students, faculties and staffs. C. Statement of the Problem General Problem: * How to computerized Library System of Gen. Miguel Malvar Elementary School? Specific Problem: * How to maintain library records? * How to provide back-up copy? * How to maintain data integrity? * How to make user friendly screen? * How to secure database files? D. Objective of the Study General Objective: * To develop a computerized library system for Gen. Miguel Malvar Elementary School using Visual Basic. Specific Objective: * To maintain library record by providing add, edit and delete module to our system. * To create utility module to back up database files. * To maintain data integrity by creating a relational database files. * To make a user friendly screen by designing a simple screen that can be easily understand. * To secure database file by creating a user log-in for security purposes. E. Scope and Limitations The library system can only monitor the borrowed and returned books. It computes the penalty for due date. The system does not include the inventory of the books. F. Significance of the Study As the researchers identify their objectives, they were able to discuss the significance of their topic to certain factors which they are closely related: Librarian / Custodian * The Librarian / Custodian will benefit from this project because it will help him/her monitor the books borrowed and returned. School * The school will benefit from this project because they help provide books to student of that school. Student * The student will benefit from this project because can help the student to easily know if the books he /she need is available or not in the library. Chapter II A. Feasibility Study 1. Operational Feasibility The system is operationally feasible because their library staff is computer literate and is trained to use computer applications plus, they know the basic things they used to do on the manual library system, thereby maintaining the concepts of the originallibrary logic. We can also say that it is operationally feasible because their facility has computers without taking much space and the main office actually holds the database since they originally have a main storage of information for the billing of their student. 2. Technical Feasibility The proposed system is technicallyfeasible because the Software and Hardware are available. The Software to be use is Visual Basic. Net and the database is MS Access. 3. Economical Feasibility The system is economically feasible. The maintenance of computer hardware and software is updated. a. Initial Investment Computer set with printer P15, 000. Computer programmer P40, 000 Total initial Investment P55, 00 b. Existing Operational Cost Salary of 3 employees P30, 000 Logbook papers P1, 500 Ball pensP150 Electricity P 1, 200 Total operational cost P32,850 c. Proposed System Operational Cost Salary of 2 employees P25, 000 Internet connectionP1, 200 Electricity P1, 500 PapersP 900 Total operational cost P28,600 d. Savings Monthly Operational Cost| Existing| Supplies| P1,650| Maintenance| P1,200| Labor| P30,000| Total| P32,850| Yearly Operational Cost| Existing| 1st| P394,200| 2nd| P421,794| 3rd| P449,388| 4th| P476,982| 5th| P504,576| Monthly Operational Cost| Proposed|. Supplies| P900| Maintenance| P2,700| Labor| P25,000| Total| P28,600| Yearly Operational Cost| Proposed| 1st| P343,200| 2nd| P367,224| 3rd| P391,284| 4th| P415,272| 5th| P439,296| SAVINGS/PAY | Existing System| Proposed System| Savings| 1st Year| 394,200| 343,200| 51,000| 2nd Year| 788,400| 686,400| 102,000| 3rd Year| 1,182,600| 1,029,600| 153,00| 4th Year| 1,576,800| 1,372,800| 204,000| 5th Year| 1,971,000| 1,716,000| 255,00| BACK PERIOD Chapter III ID ID A. Data Flow Diagram 1. DFD of Existing System BORROWED BOOK BORROWED BOOK NO PENALTY NO PENALTY ACCCEPTED BORROWED BOOK ACCCEPTED BORROWED BOOK 5 CHECK PENALTY 5 CHECK. PENALTY 4 ACCEPT BORROWED BOOK 4 ACCEPT BORROWED BOOK 6 RETURN ID 6 RETURN ID Student Student ID, BOOK ID, BOOK 1 RECEIVED ID BOOK 1 RECEIVED ID BOOK M2 BOOK CARD M2 BOOK CARD M1 LOGBOOK M1 LOGBOOK W/ PENALTY W/ PENALTY RECEIPT RECEIPT RECEIVED ID BOOK RECEIVED ID BOOK DISPATCHED BOOK DISPATCHED BOOK 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK 7 ACCEPT PAYMENT 7 ACCEPT PAYMENT M2 BOOK CARD M2 BOOK CARD PAYMENT PAYMENT Student Student. 3 DISPATCH BOOK 3 DISPATCH BOOK M3 PENALTY M3 PENALTY 2. DFD of Proposed System ID ID 5 RECORD RETURN TRANSACTION 5 RECORD RETURN TRANSACTION NO PAYMENT NO PAYMENT RETURNED BOOK RETURNED BOOK. 4 CHECK PENALTY 4 CHECK PENALTY Student Student BORROWED BOOK BORROWED BOOK Recorded Return Transaction Recorded Return Transaction 1 RECORD BOOK CARD 1 RECORD BOOK CARD C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO DISPATCHED BOOK DISPATCHED BOOK Recorded Transaction Recorded Transaction 6 COMPUTE PENALTY 6 COMPUTE PENALTY C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO 7 ACCEPT PENALTY 7 ACCEPT PENALTY COMPUTED PENALTY COMPUTED PENALTY 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK C2 Book Card C2 Book Card PAYMENT PAYMENT CHANGE CHANGE Student Student 3 DISPATCH BOOK 3 DISPATCH BOOK B. Prototyping 1. Program Listing Screen Title: Log-in Form Description: This is the log-in form. First the user will input the username and the password then click the log-in button. If the user inputted the correct username and password it will show the transactions form. Screen Title: ERROR Button Description: This form will show if the user inputted the wrong username and password. To go back to the log-in form click the OK button. Administrator Screen Title: Administrator Description: This is where you can view the student account and admin account. If you click the button menu you can see the information of the student and the administration. Admin Account Screen Title: Admin Account Description: This is where the user can view their account and information. Student Account Screen Title: Student Account Description: This is where the user can view their account and information. Select Information Screen Title: Select Information Description: This is the Select Information Form. If the user wants to view the Student Information he/she will click the Student Information Button. If the user wants to view the Book Information he/she will click the Book Information Button. If the user wants to view or make Transaction he/she will click the Transaction Information Button. If the user wants to view the reports he/she will click the Report Button. If the user wants to view or make another user he/she will click the Administration Button. Student Information Screen Title: Student Information Description: This form is the Student Information form. It contains the Student No., Name, Grade and Section, Address, and Contact number. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Student information. Book Information Screen Title: Book Information Description: This form is the Book Information form. It contains the Book No. , Book Title, Book ISD, Book Author, Subject, Location and Status. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Book Information. Transaction Information of Borrowed Book Screen Title: Transaction Information of Borrowed Book Description: This form is the Transaction Information of Borrowed Book form. The user can input the Book No. , Due Date and penalty of the Borrowed Book. Transaction Information of Returned book Screen Title: Transaction Information of Returned Book Description: This form is the Transaction Information of Returned Book form. This form will compute the Penalty based on the due date or how long it was before the book is returned. Database File Structures. | Student Information| | Field Name| Type| Width| Student No| Number| 15| Name| Text| 50| Grade Section| Text| 50| Address| Text| 150| Contact No| Number| 15| | Book Information| | Field Name| Type| Width| Book No| Number| 10| Book Title| Text| 150| Book Author| Text| 150| Subject| Text| 100| Location| Text| 150| Status| Text| 150| | TRANSACTION INFO| | Field Name| Type| Width| Transaction No| Number| 15| Student No| Number| 15| Name| Text| 150| Book No| Number| 10| Book Author| Text| 150| Date Borrow| Date| N/A| Date Return| Date| N/A| Due Date| Date| N/A| Penalty| Currency| 10| | Book Card| |. Field Name| Type| Width| Name| Text| 150| Title of the book| Text| 15| Book number| Text| 10| Date Borrow| Date | N/A| Date return| Date| N/A| Date Due| Date| N/A| General Miguel Malvar Elementary School Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila Report of Transaction Transaction No| Student No| Book No| Book Title| Date Borrow| Due Date| Date Returned| Penalty| 1| 1000013| 400| Skills in Reading| 10/2/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| Php30. 00| 2| 1000014| 401| Modern in Action| 10/3/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| Php20. 00| 3| 1000015| 402| English V| 10/1/2012| 10/9/2012| 10/9/2012| Php50. 00| | Total: ____P100. 00____ Total: ____P100. 00____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ General Miguel Malvar Elementary School Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila Report of Borrowed Books Transaction No| Student No| Book No| Book Title| Date Borrow| Due Date| 1| 1000013| 400| Skills in Reading| 10/2/2012| 10/5/2012| 2| 1000014| 401| Modern in Action| 10/3/2012| 10/5/2012| 3| 1000015| 402| English V| 10/1/2012| 10/9/2012| Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ General Miguel Malvar Elementary School Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila Report of Retuned Books Transaction No| Student No| Book No| Book Title| Date Borrow| Due Date| Date Returned| 1| 1000013| 400| Skills in Reading| 10/2/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| 2| 1000014| 401| Modern in Action| 10/3/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| 3| 1000015| 402| English V| 10/1/2012| 10/9/2012| 10/9/2012| Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ User Manual I. System Requirements CPU| Pentium 4, Athlon XP, Semprov| | Clock Speed| 2. 0GHz or higher| | System Memory(RAM)| 1G| | Operating System| Windows XP\Vista| |. HDD free space| 2. 0GB| | DirectX| 9. 0 or higher| | Internet Connection| 1Gbps| | Video Card| GeForce FX6600 or Radeon 9800 series| | Video Memory| 512MB| | II. Installation 1. Run the installation setup, MMESLYS-Setup. exe. Afterwards, users are to be prompted to this screen. Click Next to continue. Welcome to Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System Installation Setup Wizard Welcome to Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System Installation Setup Wizard This will install Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System 1. 0 on your Computer This will install Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System 1. 0 on your Computer 2. They will be asked to confirm if you agree on the End-User license agreement for them to be able to proceed with the installation. Choose â€Å"I agree† then Next button would be enabled. Click Next. 3. After signing off the EULA, they would now be brought to the page wherein they would choose where to put the folder for the application. Choose where to put the files and click Next. 4. The wizard will now start installing the system. Just wait for the progress to reach completion and then click Next. The installation has been successfully completed by that and the user just needs to click Close to exit the installation wizard. III. System Navigation 1. This is the log-in form will be welcome to the log in interface. They just need to use the log in IDs provided by the Administrator and then click the Log in button. 2. This is the invalid username password if your username you input is not correct, just click the ok button. 3. This is where you can view the student account and admin account. If you click the button menu you can see the information of the student and the administration. 4. This admin account will show the information of admin and their account 5. This student account will show the information of the student. 6. This is the Select Information Form. If the user wants to view the Student Information he/she will click the Student Information Button. If the user wants to view the Book Information he/she will click the Book Information Button. If the user wants to view or make Transaction he/she will click the Transaction Information Button. If the user wants to view the reports he/she will click the Report Button. If the user wants to view or make another user he/she will click the Administration Button. 7. This form is the Student Information form. It contains the Student No. , Name, Grade and Section, Address, and Contact number. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Student information. 8. This form is the Book Information form. It contains the Book No. , Book Title, Book ISD, Book Author, Subject, Location and Status. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Book Information. 9. This form is the Transaction Information of Borrowed Book form. The user can input the Book No. , Due Date and penalty of the Borrowed Book. 10. This form is the Transaction Information of Returned Book form. This form will compute the Penalty based on the due date or how long it was before the book is returned.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Character Analysis of The Wife of Bath of Chaucers Canterbury Tales :: Chaucer The Wife of Bath

Character Analysis of The Wife of Bath of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Chaucer opens with a description of twenty-nine people who are going on a pilgrimage. Each person has a distinct personality that we can recognize from the way people behave today. He purposely makes The Wife of Bath stand out more compared to the other characters. In Chaucer’s â€Å"General Prologue,† the Wife of Bath is intentionally described in an explicit way to provoke a shocking response. Her clothes, physical features and references to her past are purposely discussed by Chaucer causing the reader to wonder how well she fits the rules imposed by Christian authorities regarding womanly behavior. Women were categorized as saints or sinners by their actions according to Christian tradition. There were two women who represented the sinner or the saint. Eve caused the downfall of all men â€Å" supposedly† whereas the Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ, symbolized purity. The Wife of Bath is a headst rong bold woman of her time. She shows off her Sunday clothes with evident pride, wearing ten pounds of cloth, woven by herself under her hat.Her clothing symbolizes to the reader that she is not timid or shy and also shows off her expertise as a weaver.. Chaucer discusses his words to describe the Wife quite distinctly. His descriptions of her facial and bodily features are sexually suggestive. The features that Chaucer pays attention to describing Alison should be noticed. In the â€Å"General Prologue,† Chaucer's description involves her physical appearance describing her clothes, legs, feet, hips, and most importantly her gap-tooth, which during that time (according to The Wife), symbolized sensuality and lust. He discusses how she is a talented weaver and devoted Christian who goes on pilgrimages often. This may make the reader believe that she is a religious woman, but the reader later sees that the Wife's reason to go on these pilgrimages is not due to religion. She feels that every place should be seen; this has nothing to due with religion. She may also be dedicated traveller, a medieval tourist who likes to sight see. She is a very self-confident woman who thinks highly of herself and her skills as a cloth maker. The ironic part is when Chaucer adds that she has a gap between her teeth. During the fourteenth century, having a gap between the teeth was symbolic of a sensual nature. Character Analysis of The Wife of Bath of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales :: Chaucer The Wife of Bath Character Analysis of The Wife of Bath of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Chaucer opens with a description of twenty-nine people who are going on a pilgrimage. Each person has a distinct personality that we can recognize from the way people behave today. He purposely makes The Wife of Bath stand out more compared to the other characters. In Chaucer’s â€Å"General Prologue,† the Wife of Bath is intentionally described in an explicit way to provoke a shocking response. Her clothes, physical features and references to her past are purposely discussed by Chaucer causing the reader to wonder how well she fits the rules imposed by Christian authorities regarding womanly behavior. Women were categorized as saints or sinners by their actions according to Christian tradition. There were two women who represented the sinner or the saint. Eve caused the downfall of all men â€Å" supposedly† whereas the Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ, symbolized purity. The Wife of Bath is a headst rong bold woman of her time. She shows off her Sunday clothes with evident pride, wearing ten pounds of cloth, woven by herself under her hat.Her clothing symbolizes to the reader that she is not timid or shy and also shows off her expertise as a weaver.. Chaucer discusses his words to describe the Wife quite distinctly. His descriptions of her facial and bodily features are sexually suggestive. The features that Chaucer pays attention to describing Alison should be noticed. In the â€Å"General Prologue,† Chaucer's description involves her physical appearance describing her clothes, legs, feet, hips, and most importantly her gap-tooth, which during that time (according to The Wife), symbolized sensuality and lust. He discusses how she is a talented weaver and devoted Christian who goes on pilgrimages often. This may make the reader believe that she is a religious woman, but the reader later sees that the Wife's reason to go on these pilgrimages is not due to religion. She feels that every place should be seen; this has nothing to due with religion. She may also be dedicated traveller, a medieval tourist who likes to sight see. She is a very self-confident woman who thinks highly of herself and her skills as a cloth maker. The ironic part is when Chaucer adds that she has a gap between her teeth. During the fourteenth century, having a gap between the teeth was symbolic of a sensual nature.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Koala Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Koala Inroduction The koala is the Australian jewel. It has very furry, ash colored hair, a rubbery black nose, sharp claws, fuzzy ears, and a grizzly personality, or should I say, koalality. If you kill a koala, you'll make a million off their fur! They would sell the fur to coat companies and make coats out of koala fur. Well, sadly enough, too many people are making millions on koalas. That's why they're endangered species. Habitat The koala is distributed along the eastern coastal semi-tropical forests of Australia, ranging from north Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and a small area in the south of Australia. Breeding The male koala and the female koala have two very different mating calls. When humans reach their sexual maturity at around the age of 14 or 15, koalas reach their sexual maturity at the age of two. The female produces one baby every other year. The koala almost never produces twins. In the female's pouch, there are two nipples. The female koala gives birth after a 20-35 day gestation period. When the joey (baby koala) is born, it is no longer than 2 cm and weighs no more than a 1/2 gram. The joey stays in its mother's pouch for 5-7 months. The term "joey ² is used when you are talking about a baby marsupial. The mother gives "pap ² to the joey, a liquid from the caecum (which is similar to the human organ, appendix.) This is thought to give the joey the ability to eat only eucalyptus leaves. When the joey emerges from the pouch, it clings to its mother for another seven months. The joey stays with its mother for another three or four years, until it is fully grown. Diet Koalas eat eucalyptus and don't drink water. I guess that's how they got their name. In the aboriginal language, "koala" means "no drink water." But, the koala does drink water, only when it is ill. Out of the 350 species of eucalyptus, the koala can only eat 20, will only eat 5, and only prefers to eat a certain one. Population and Extinction Since the koala population has dropped since 50% since the turn of the century, the Australian government passed a law banning anything harmful to the koalas. At first, in the 1920's they were killed for their fur. Then, somehow, a high perce... ...e New Columbia Encyclop'dia, 1975 ed., p. 1491 (New York: Columbia University Press) Bergh, John. Austrailian Koala Hospital Assosiation, Inc.: Koala Facts Sheet, http://onthenet.com.au/~jbergh/koala2.htm (Sydney: onthenet.com) Bergh, John. Austrailian Koala Hospital Assosiation, Inc.: Koala Facts Sheet, http://onthenet.com.au/~jbergh/koala4.htm (Sydney: onthenet.com) Bergh, John. Austrailian Koala Hospital Assosiation, Inc.: Koala Facts Sheet, http://onthenet.com.au/~jbergh/koala1.htm (Sydney: onthenet.com) World Book Encyclop'dia, 1996 ed., 11:361 (Chicago: World Book, Inc.) Payne, Oliver. "Koala†¹ Out on a Limb," National Geographic Magazine, April, 1995 (Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society Press) Academic American Encyclop'dia, 1994 ed., 12:103. (Danbury: Grolier, Inc.)

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Computers in the Classroom :: Technology Technological Essays Education

Computers in the Classroom Computers are being used in classrooms all over the country. Children have access to a computer while at home or at school. However, is the technology being channeled through computers being depended upon too much? Are they going to take over the role of the teacher as an educator? Many educators are asking these questions regarding the education of their students. Computers affect the students and teachers in both positive and negative ways. In this paper I am going to discuss the benefits and downfalls of computers in the classroom. In just five years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of computers being used. Computers are virtually in every home, school and library. People can access facts and ideas that they were never able to before and can also do many things that were out of reach and unimaginable. In 1995, according to the Census Bureau of the United States, fifty percent of schools had access to the internet but by 2000, the numbers rose to ninety-eight percent. In 1995, only eight percent of classrooms had access to the internet and by 2000, seventy seven percent of classrooms had access to the internet. Teachers have taken advantage of the accessibility and have begun to include the computers and the internet into their lessons everyday. In 1999, of all public elementary schools, fifty six percent of teachers were using the internet to have their students to get more practice in certain areas and producing reports and projects. However, is using the computer beneficial to the teacher and the students? With the internet being so available, students are given the opportunity to be linked with the outside world that they may never have otherwise experienced. Interactive games and simulations can now be found that give students a valuable visual representation of a place, how something works, or an experiment. Also, students can now take what the teachers have taught them in class and practice their skills and stuffy their facts on the computer. With this convenience, students are now performing better on standardized tests than ever before because they are able to practice the subjects in a fun way. [1] Student’s research will also change because instead of using books for references, students will use the internet that does not always contain as many reliable sources. A student with access to the internet is often times more eager to learn and does further research on a topic that interests them because it is within reach in seconds.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Plato’s Theory of Forms Essay

Explain and define Plato’s theory of Forms with your personal Criticism. Plato was born in Athens on 428 BC. He was a Greek philosopher who laid foundations of western philosophy. He raised basic questions and problems of western thought, goodness and virtue, truth and knowledge, body and soul, ideal political state, and use of Literature and Arts were some of the pre dominant topics of interest to Plato. Plato devoted himself completely to philosophy. He was a student of Socrates. He was a great admirer of Socrates and he initially joined Socrates school of thought to learn philosophy. Later after the death of Socrates, he found an academy where geometry was most prominent in the curriculum along with mathematics and philosophy. He was also influenced from pre-Socratic thinkers like Heraclitus and Parmenides; who rejected physical world and said that inner is more important than believed apparent world. He was also influenced by mathematical concepts derived from Pythagoras. He learned dialectical method of following truth in order to derive a philosophy, ideas and opinions. According to Encyclopedia Britannica literally word Form means, â€Å"The external shape, appearance or configuration of an object in contradistinction to the matter of which it is composed. In Aristotelian Metaphysics, the active, determining principle of a thing as distinguished from matter, the potential principle. † (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012) In Stanford Encyclopedia it is stated that, Plato’s term ‘eidos’ by which he identified the permanent reality that makes a thing what it is in contrast to the particulars that are finite and subject to change. The Platonic concept of form was itself derived from the Pythagorean theory that intelligible structures and not material elements, gave objects their distinctive characters. Theory of Forms states about what is real and what is not. The real is thought to be perfect whereas things which are not real are changing. Plato advocates that the world of forms is different from world of appearances. World of Forms can only be understood by philosophers and those who seek the truth. The dialogues in this theory portray knowledge as the process of leaving dark caves for going into sunlight. People who live in dark caves find their reality in shadows. These shadows are actually the symbol of the apparent world and it is just a shadow of what is real. Plato says that this world is not real; it is only the ‘world of forms’ which is real and never changes. It can be explained by many examples; for example we all try to seek knowledge but in reality what we learn is an opinion only. Likewise one thing is beautiful for someone but it can be ugly for someone else. People who have an urge to know and understand the true knowledge in the world can only touch the ‘intelligible world’. This world of objects is not independent because it depends on another real world of ‘pure forms or ideas’. Objects in this world have got their qualities from the ideal world. An object is beautiful because it takes that beauty from the ‘higher realm’. This concept of ideal Forms and forms of the world can be explained by geometry. Any square or triangle that we draw or construct is imperfect because it is ‘merely approximate the ideal triangle’. This ideal triangle has no connection with senses or reason because it is not concrete but a concept or an idea in the real world. Plato says that, the world of forms can be characterized as ‘changeless’ , ‘eternal’ and ‘real’ whereas physical world undergoes many changes and decay. The criticism on Plato’s theory of forms is that, he could not be able to draw a logical connection between ‘the realm of forms’ and ‘physical world’. According to Aristotle, this theory does not explain that how permanence and order can be attained in this world and how we can have objective knowledge of this physical world. Plato separated two worlds so distinctly that it failed to explain a former two points. The objectivity and permanence of real world does not explain this physical world hence establishes no strong connection between the two worlds. In my opinion Plato puts an argument that intellectual truth is truer than physical truth. This universe is created by God who is pure and the ultimate reality. He has no physical being but he has created a physical universe. This physical world is a copy of the real universe which only exists in the mind of creator. Similarly all horses are copies of one horse which exists at some higher land of truth. Likewise all beds are only copies of an ideal bed which lies in heaven probably. These examples are given by Plato to prove that world of forms is different from world of reality. It concludes that forms are relative and they are mere imitation of the real. The basic function of theory of forms is unification. It serves to unify ‘groups of objects or concepts’ by connecting them to a pure essence of the real world.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hero of Paradise Lost Essay

Paradise Lost is an â€Å"epic† poem in every sense of the word. Long, mystical, and controversial, it certainly elicits a lot of thought. One discussion to be had is the idea of heroism as portrayed by the poem. My contention is that Satan is the hero of the story. Paradise Lost is a poem filled with puppets, people who follow the orders of others without utilizing very much thought of their own. Satan, on the other hand, actually believes in something. He does not obey just to obey. He has the courage and intelligence to follow his own path. First and foremost, it is Satan’s leadership quality that makes him heroic. Unlike Adam and the angels and some of those other bland characters, Satan takes initiative and calls his own shots. He doesn’t care what God or anyone else thinks. He relies on himself to find motivation and make important decisions. He lives by the phrase â€Å"better to reign in hell, than serve in heav’n† (Milton, 1.263). As a result, he is followed by a clan of his own, which ultimately rivals that of God. Secondly, Satan is consistent and true to what he stands for. Adam and Eve are pretty much losers in the sense that everything they do is the result of what somebody else says. They believe in whatever God believes. Eve even believes what snakes say; that is just pathetic. They have no real opinions on anything. Satan, on the other hand, relies on his own mind. He demonstrates this when he explains to Bielzebub that â€Å"the mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heav’n of hell, a hell of heav’n† (Milton, 1.254-5). Satan has strong beliefs, and puts his effort into carrying out the actions that correspond to what he believes in. Lastly, Satan has the courage and confidence to take on God. Not many people or objects, or whatever Satan is, have such valor. Indeed, his ultimate goal is to win the Mount of God, and on His throne†¨to set the envier of His State, the proud†¨Aspirer† (Milton, 6.686-90). He believes and has faith in hell, and is willing to try to improve it and make it better than anything God has seen or created. He is innovative and enterprising, ready for whatever challenges come his way. He does not fear God because he believes in the power of his own thoughts and actions. In conclusion, every character in this poem including the author is a pansy except for Satan, who is a boss and unquestionably the hero of the poem. Without Satan, this poem would lack the flavor, uniqueness, and action that he provides. His heroic presence makes the story interesting and exciting. He is thus undoubtedly the hero of Paradise Lost.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Benefits and cost

Costs would be Just the opposite of several of these, but would also include lack of a good warranty, or not being able to find a place that can service the time-piece. Top Reasons You Want A Nice Watch†, A. Adams, 2011 . ) A weight loss diet can boost self- esteem, energy levels, desirability to those you wish to attract. Good health, though. Is the greatest benefit of a weight loss diet. Costs could be the difficulty level of being able to stick with the diet. Losing weight improperly can cause health issues; if the weight loss diet you have to offer is unhealthy this can be a cost. High prices of weight loss can be prohibitive. (â€Å"Lose Weight, Gain Tons of Benefits†, K. Zealand, n. D. ) Things that could be beneficial to a cruise would be location.Everyone likes to go to beautiful places. Nice accommodation and service areas on board the ship are a must. Other important things can be safety, atmosphere, variety of activities, and areas to relax. Costs could be the expensiveness of the cruise, sea sickness, and boredom. (â€Å"The Pros and Cons of Cruise Travel†, A. Powers, 2012) For a new checking account at a bank, the benefits could be ease of deposits, such as online deposits by way of device APS. Being able to cancel checks easily Is Important. The availability of accessing your cash easily Is very Important.Free ATM and debit cards, and the availability of paperless electronic statements can also be beneficial. Costs would include high bounced check fees, annual account fees, and the fact that many businesses are moving away from even accepting checks. (â€Å"Seven Questions to Ask Before Opening a Bank Account†, G. Dwellers, 2013) Ariel Adams, (2011). Top Reasons You Want A Nice Watch. A Blob to Watch. Retrieved July 14, 2014, blowtorch. Com: http://www. blowtorch. Com/top-reasons-you- want-a-nice-expensive-watch/ Kathleen M. Zealand, (n. D. ). Lose Weight, Gain Tons of Benefits.Web MD. Retrieved July 14, 2014, WebMD. Com : http://www. WebMD. Com/delete/features/lose-wealth-gal.- tons-of-benefits India Powers, (2012). The Pros and Cons of Cruise Travel. Apartment Therapy. Retrieved July 14, 2014, parenthetically. Com: http://www. parenthetically. Com/ the-pros-and-cons-of-cruise-travel-192288 Gerri Dwellers, (2013). Seven Questions to Ask Before Opening a Bank Account. Credit. Retrieved July 14, 2014, credit. Com: http://www. credit. Com/personal-Flanagan- questions-to-ask-before-opening-bank-account/ Benefits and cost By wheelhouses ay of device APS.Being able to cancel checks easily is important. The availability of accessing your cash easily is very important. Free ATM and debit cards, and the Before Opening a Bank Account†, G. Detailer, 2013) July 14, 2014, WebMD. Com: http://www. WebMD. Com/diet/features/lose-weight-gain- the-pros-and-cons-of-cruise-travel-192288 Gerri Detailer, (2013). Seven Questions to Ask Before Opening a Bank Account. Credit. Retrieved July 14, 2014, credit. Com: http ://www. Credit. Com/personal-Flanagan- questions-to-ask-before-opening-bank-account/

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Human Rights in North Korea

DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR EXTERNAL POLICIES POLICY DEPARTMENT POLICY BRIEFING Human rights in North Korea Abstract The human rights record in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK, or North Korea) has been widely condemned by the international community, including by the EU and the European Parliament. The ascension of the latest ruler of the Kim dynasty, Kim Jong-un, in December 2011 has not brought tangible change. Since the country is practically closed to foreigners, the human rights situation can only be evaluated based on the testimonies of refugees and defectors.Their reports consistently reveal blatant and unrepentant violations of human rights, which aim to elicit the total submission of the country's citizens to the regime and its ideology. While the majority of North Koreans suffer from permanent hunger, those who try to leave the country face harsh punishment upon repatriation. Citizens suspected of being disloyal to the regime and their families are placed, witho ut trial, in prison camps with abhorrent conditions. North Korea is among the countries carrying out the highest numbers of executions in the world.FOR EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT INTERNAL USE ONLY DG EXPO/B/PolDep/Note/2012_265 PE 491. 441 September 2012 EN Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies This Policy Briefing was requested by the European Parliament's delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand. AUTHOR: Anete BANDONE Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union Policy Department WIB 06 M 85 rue Wiertz 60 B-1047 Brussels Feedback to anete. [email  protected] europa. eu is welcome. Editorial Assistant: Pia VANNESTE LINGUISTIC VERSION: Original: ENABOUT THE PUBLISHER: Manuscript completed on 17 September 2012.  © European Union, 2012 Printed inBelgium This Policy Briefing is available on the intranet site of the Directorate-General for External Policies, in the Regions and countries or Policy Areas section. To obtain paper copies, please send a request by e-mail to: [email  protected] europa. eu. DISCLAIMER: Any opinions expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament.Reproduction and translation, except for commercial purposes, are authorised, provided the source is acknowledged and provided the publisher is given prior notice and supplied with a copy of the publication. 2 Human rights in North Korea TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Overview Human rights violations International treaties Reactions of the international community Annexes 4 5 10 10 14 3 Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies 1. Overview The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is an authoritarian state that emerged after the Second World War and has been ruled by the Kim dynasty ever since.The latest national elections, held in March 2009, were neither free nor fair. North Korea's human rights record is based principally on the testimonies of refugees and defectors. North Korea’s human rights situation is difficult to assess: the access of foreigners to the country is restricted and those who do enter are under close surveillance. North Koreans are not allowed to leave the country, which means that reports are mainly based on the contributions of refugees and defectors.Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) report that North Korea commits blatant human rights violations: arbitrary and indefinite imprisonment, political prison camps, torture, public executions, suppression of workers’ rights, and prohibitions on freedoms of expression, media, movement, association and religion 1 . North Korea's human rights violations have been widely condemned, including by the United Nations General Assembly and Human Rights Council, which have adopted several resolutions.Nevertheless, the North Korean government insists that there are no human rights issues in the country, arguing that its system has bee n chosen by the people: ‘The words â€Å"human rights† sound absolutely nonsensical in the DPRK where the dignity and independent rights of the working masses are fully guaranteed legally and institutionally. ‘ 2 No tangible changes have been seen since Kim Jongun assumed power in December 2011. The ascension of Kim Jong-un after the death of his father Kim Jong-il in December 2012 has hardly changed the grim situation, although Kim Jong-un has spoken about improving people's lives.As recently as December 2011 DPRK authorities issued a statement indicating they would ‘annihilate' up to three generations of a family if a family member fled the country during the 100-day period of mourning following the death of Kim Jong-il Border controls were also intensified 3 . 1 2 US State Department Korean Central News Agency 2012 3 ICNK, Kim Jong Un Tightens Grip along Border , 16 January 2012 4 Human rights in North Korea 2. Human rights violations 2. 1. ExecutionsNort h Korea's criminal code foresees the death penalty for more than 20 crimes, including smuggling and dealing narcotics, stealing state property and counterfeiting currency. The code also allows for arbitrary decisions by the authorities, who can determine ‘the gravest cases' or ‘extremely serious cases' 4 . In 2011 North Korea executed 30 or more people, placing the country among the ranks of those carrying out the greatest number of executions in the world, according to Amnesty International 5 . 2. 2. Torture and ill-treatmentPersons who are accused and arrested are often subjected to torture to enforce obedience and obtain bribes or information, despite the fact that North Korea's criminal code prohibits torture or inhuman treatment. According to Human Rights Watch, common forms of torture include sleep deprivation, beatings with iron rods or sticks, kicking and slapping, and enforced sitting or standing for hours. A study conducted in 2010 found that 60 % of previously imprisoned refugee respondents had witnessed a death due to beating or torture 6 . . 3. Some 200 000 people live in prison camps; incarcerated with their families and without trial. Prison camps According to Amnesty International, around 200 000 prisoners (about 0. 85 % of the population) are held in six large political prison camps (gwalliso). People who are suspected of not being loyal to the regime are sent to these camps without a trial, often with three generations of their family — spouses, children and parents — and mostly without any hope of release.The prisoners may have committed ‘crimes' such as not dusting a portrait of the leader or being Christian 7 . North Korea has never recognised 4 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in The Democratic People's Republic of Korea 5 Amnesty International, Death Sentences and Executions 2011 6 Human Rights Watch (HRW) World Report 2012 7 The Economist, The gulag behind the goose-steps, 21 April 2012 8 The Situation of Detainees in Gulag System 5 Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies that these camps exist.Conditions in the camps approach those of slavery, with starvation and no medical treatment. Prisoners, including children, are forced to work in conditions approaching slavery, e. g. , mining, logging and farming, seven days a week for twelve hours or more per day. They are frequently subjected to torture and kept on the verge of starvation. A defector has described the daily ration as approximately twenty grains of corn per prisoner. Convicts search through cow dung for undigested grain. No medical treatment is provided in the camp.Pregnant women are subjected to forced abortions or forced to give up their babies upon delivery to be murdered or abandoned. 8 . In 2011, Amnesty International said it believed North Korea's prison camps were expanding. The organisation based its findings on satellite pictures 9 ; prison camps can be seen on Google Earth. 2. 4. Food shortages North Korea has been dependent on food aid since famine in the mid1990s. In March 2011, the UN estimated that more than six million vulnerable persons in North Korea needed immediate international food aid 10 .With food shortages reaching more than one million tonnes, the World Food Programme called it the worst famine in a decade. Among the causes are floods, an extremely harsh winter; discriminatory food policies that favour the elite, and the economic mismanagement of a monetary devaluation scheme in November 2009 that wiped out many peoples’ savings. In his February 2012 report, United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur Marzuki Darusman called on the DPRK government to allocate more resources to agriculture than to its military sector 11 .At the same time, he emphasised that food ‘should never ne used as an instrument of political and economic pressure' (referring to a 1999 General Comment on the right to food by the UN Committee on E conomic, Social and Cultural Rights) 12 . Nevertheless, the U. S. suspended its plans for food aid to North Korea after the announcement of a new rocket launch in March. In June 2012, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Coordinator in Pyongyang, Jerome Sauvage, reported that one in two children in North Korea is stunted due to malnourishment 13 .The year 2013 could be particularly difficult for North Koreans as the 9 Amnesty International, Amnesty International Report Exposes North Korean Gulags, June 2011 10 HRW World Report 2012 11 Report of the Special Rapporteur 2012 12 Report of the Special Rapporteur 2012 13 Reuters, U. N. optimistic on U. S. aid for North Korea, food still a problem, June 2012 6 Human rights in North Korea country may face a new famine due to losses of up to 13 % of its grain harvest this year, according to a recent report by a South Korean official 14 .Losses result from a drought that followed widespread flooding this summer and that ob liged the country to request immediate food assistance. The regime has announced that it has set a goal for 2012 — the centenary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, the first leader of the DPRK — to develop its economy, improve its people's lives and attract foreign investment 15 . In August 2012, the uncle of North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un, Jang songthaek, met China's President Hu Jintao to explore ways to revive North Korea's decimated economy and advance beyond the Marxist economic model 16 .There are also reports of plans for financial reform 17 . 2. 5. Media and internet Kim Jong-II’s death clearly demonstrated how tight the government's grip remains on the media and information: the news was broadcast on North Korean state television only two days later 18 . All sources of media, such as radio and television, are strictly controlled by the government and heavily censored. The contents of national media almost entirely consist of political propaganda and the pro motion of the leaders' personality cults. Internet use is limited to the political elite.Mobile phone access is limited to an internal network (one million users or 4 % of the inhabitants), and international calls can only be made by foreigners and the political elite 19 . Fines for making an international call can be as high as KPW 1 million (about USD 1 100), coupled with one week of detention 20 . North Korea is ranked second-to-last out of 179 countries in the World Press Freedom Index, before Eritrea 21 . 2. 6. Freedom of expression The government regularly evaluates its citizens' loyalty to the regime with the help of a large network of informants.Persons considered subversive are punished; disloyal inhabitants of Pyongyang are expulsed from the capital 22 . 14 15 Reuters, Destitute North Korea's grain harvest seen falling sharply, 4 September 2012 CIA World Fact Book 16 Reuters, China's Hu gives show of support for North Korea, 17 August 2012 17 ICNK, The Signs of Financial R eform in North Korea, 28 August 2012 18 Reporters Without Borders: North Korea 19 US State Department 20 Reporters Without Borders: North Korea 21 Reporters Without Borders: World Press Freedom Index 22 HRW World Report 2012 Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies 2. 7. Freedom of assembly and association The country's 1992 constitution includes provisions for freedom of assembly and association, although this is not respected in practice. All organisations are created by the government 23 . 2. 8. Freedom of religion The DPRK is officially an atheist state. Autonomous religious activities are almost non existent, although the government sponsors some religious groups to create the illusion of religious freedom 24 .The constitution foresees freedom of religion, while specifying that ‘no one may use religion as a means by which to drag in foreign powers or to destroy the state or social order† 25 . In 2009, the South Korean Investigative Commission on Crime Against Humanity reported on the public execution of a Christian woman accused of distributing the Bible. The Bible is banned in the North 26 . 2. 9. Freedom of movement: refugees Leaving the country without state permission is a crime in North Korea.Those who leave — most often to go to China — face harsh punishment if repatriated. Moreover, as mentioned above, DPRK authorities issued a statement in December 2011 indicating that they would ‘annihilate' up to three generations of a family if a family member fled the country during the 100-day period of mourning for the death of Kim Jong-il 27 . Border controls were also intensified last year 28 . Over the years, up to 400 000 North Koreans have fled the country, and many are living in neighbouring China as illegal immigrants.They are routinely repatriated, despite China's obligation to offer protection to refugees under international law, the Refugee Convention of 1951 and the Convention's 1967 Protocol, to which China is a state party 29 . In March 2012, at least 41 North Korean refugees were forcibly repatriated by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to the DPRK 30 . In June four of them were executed 31 . Up to 400 000 North Koreans have escaped. Those who are repatriated face harsh punishment. 23 US State Department 2011 Human Rights Reports: Democratic People's Republic of Korea 24 25 CIA World Fact BookMinority Rights Group International: North Korea Overview 26 BBC, North Korea ‘executes Christians' , July 2009 27 European Parliament Resolution, 25 May 2012 28 Report of the Special Rapporteur 2012 29 HRW World Report 2012 30 UN Human Rights Council 31 ICNK, North Korea executes 4 defectors sent back from China 8 Human rights in North Korea 2. 10. Labour rights North Korea is one of the few countries that have not joined the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The ruling Korean Workers’ Party controls the only authorised trade union organisation, the Ge neral Federation of Trade Unions of Korea 32 . 2. 11. Minority rightsThere is no specific provision regarding the protection of minorities in North Korean legislation. North Korea is one of the world's most homogeneous countries in linguistic and ethnic terms: almost all 23 million inhabitants are ethnic Koreans whose ancestors have been living there for thousands of years. There is only one, very small Chinese minority of around 50 000. 33 2. 12. Rights of disabled people Although North Korea participated in the 2012 Paralympics in London, there have been reports in the past of disabled newborns being killed and of disabled people being sent to special camps and banned from the capital 34 .A 2003 law stipulates equal access for disabled persons to public services but has not been implemented. 35 2. 13. Abductions In the past, the DPRK has been involved in the abduction of foreign citizens, mainly South Korean and Japanese individuals. More than 500 persons have reportedly been kidn apped. However, no progress has been made with investigations into such abductions or the release of abductees since 2002, when two Japanese nationals were returned to Japan 36 . The DPRK had promised to reopen the investigation into the cases of suspected abductions of Japanese nationals in 2008 37 . . 14. Rule of law And independent judiciary and individual rights do not exist in North Korea, although, according to the country's constitution, courts are independent 32 33 HRW Report 2012 Minority Rights Group International: North Korea Overview 34 ICNK, Disability, the Paralympics, and Ji Seong Ho, 30 August 2012 35 US State Department 2011 Human Rights Reports: Democratic People's Republic of Korea 36 Report of the Special Rapporteur 2012 37 US State Department 2011 Human Rights Reports: Democratic People's Republic of Korea 9Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies and judicial proceedings must strictly follow the law. 3. International treaties North Korea is party to four international human rights treaties: ? ? ? ? the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). 4. Reactions of the international community 4. 1. UNIn March 2012 a UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution expressing concerns about the ‘ grave, widespread and systematic human rights abuses human rights violations' in North Korea. The resolution deplored the refusal of the government to ‘allow [the Special Rapporteur on human rights] access to the country† 38 . For the first time, North Korea’s allies in the Council (including China and Russia) did not call for a vote, but instead allowed the resolution to pass by consensus 39 . This sort of resolution has, in the past, had little impact on North Korea.When a previou s resolution on human rights condemned the situation in the North, the country's state news agency, the Korean Central News Agency, ran the following response: As already reported, the ‘resolution on human rights' against the DPRK was railroaded through the 60th UN General Assembly due to the pressure and the lobbying operation of the U. S. , Britain, Japan and other hostile forces. The â€Å"resolution† is peppered with lies and fabrications defaming the advantageous Korean-style socialist system centred on the popular masses.That was why it failed to get the approval of many member nations at the general assembly as it was a controversial one which clearly indicated the politicization of the human rights issue, selectivity and double standards 40 . In March 2012, a UN resolution about human rights in North Korea was passed by consensus. 38 39 Report of the Human Rights Council on its nineteenth session, unedited version HRW, UN Human Rights Council: North Korea Condem nation Goes Unopposed , 23 March 2012 40 Korean Central News Agency 2005 10 Human rights in North KoreaDespite the efforts of the UN the Secretary-General and the Special Rapporteur, the DPRK ‘continues to be late in reporting to the treaty bodies or uncooperative with the special procedures' 41 . There have, however, been some signs of cooperation with other UN bodies, including the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations Children's Fund, the World Health Organisation and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. In October 2011, the UN's Emergency Relief Coordinator visited the DPRK to assess the humanitarian situation 42 .In July 2012, a UN mission was granted access to the country to evaluate the damage caused by the floods. 43 In 2013, Special Rapporteur Darusman, is due to report to the Human Rights Council. North Korea will prepare its next periodic review for the same time 44 . There are small signs that the country is beginning to cooperate with some UN bodies. 4. 2. ICNK The International Coalition to Stop Crimes against Humanity in North Korea (ICNK), established in September 2011, is the first international coalition that brings together human rights organisations from around the world 45 .Some 40 organisations have joined the coalition. On April 2012 the ICNK submitted a petition to the special procedures of the United Nation Human Rights Council calling for the UN to help shut down North Korea’s vast gulag system. 46 Delegates of the ICNK met Members of the European Parliament and EU officials in Brussels on 7 June 2012 to persuade them to support the establishment of a UN commission of inquiry into human rights abuses in North Korea. 4. 3. Six-party talksThe ‘six-party talks', which include China, the United States, North and South Korea, Japan and Russia, are aimed at ending North Korea's nuclear program through a negotiating process. Although human rights are not one of the topics of discussion for the talks, the Special Rapporteur believes that progress in these negotiations will assist discussions on other issues, such as the human rights situation 47 . Six-party negotiations have not taken place since December 2008. 41 42Report of the Special Rapporteur 2012 Report of the Special Rapporteur 2012 43 UN to assess North Korea floods as more rain falls 44 Report of the Special Rapporteur 2012 45 The International Coalition to Stop Crimes against Humanity in North Korea (ICNK) 46 ICNK press relase, 3 April 2012 47 Report of the Special Rapporteur 2012 11 Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies 4. 4. The EU and its Member States engage in regular political dialogue with North Korea, including through the UN. European Union The EU conducts regular political dialogues with the DPRK.The European Union established diplomatic relations with the DPRK in May 2001, and the majority of EU Member States have diplomatic relations with the DPRK. These contacts provide an opp ortunity to discuss human rights. The EU has also regularly raised the issue of the North Korean human rights situation in discussions at UN bodies. Since 1995, the EU has been involved in various assistance programmes and cooperation activities with the DPRK. Since then, over EUR 366 million in aid has been provided in the form of food aid, medical, water and sanitation assistance and agricultural support 48 .The EU supports, however, the Special Rapporteur's ‘call to rectify flaws in production, distribution and trading systems and to stop the misallocation of resources for military purposes' 49 . A Country Strategy Paper was adopted in March 2002, but its implementation has been suspended. There are currently no plans for a new Country Strategy Paper or for development cooperation, although this remains open for the future 50 . As part of the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur, the EU has encouraged ‘the DPRK’s new eadership to use its next univer sal periodic review in 2014 as an opportunity to enhance its dialogue with the international community and to provide undisclosed information of its criminal code', including subsequent revisions and addendums 51 . The EU is also involved in a number of assistance programmes. EEAS: North Korea EEAS, HRC19 – Interactive dialogues on Syria, Iran, Burma/Myanmar, North Korea , 12 March 2012 50 EEAS: North Korea 51 EEAS, HRC19 – Interactive dialogues on Syria, Iran, Burma/Myanmar, North Korea 49 48 12 Human rights in North Korea 4. . 1 European Parliament The European Parliament has adopted several resolutions on North Korea, the latest in May 2012 concerning the forced repatriation of North Korean refugees in China 52 . In July 2010, the Parliament called on the EU ‘to appoint an EU special representative on the DPRK to ensure persistent attention and coordination' 53 . Following the death of Kim Jong-il, Parliament's former President Jerzy Buzek issued a statement c alling on the North Korean authorities ‘to make concrete and tangible steps towards improving human rights conditions'.He called ‘on the authorities to allow inspection of all types of detention facilities by independent international experts and to allow UN Special Rapporteurs to visit the country'. He also urged the country ‘to engage constructively in human rights dialogues with the EU' 54 . A public hearing organised by the Parliament's Subcommittee on Human Rights took place in May 2012 with the participation of a former prisoner, the brother of a Japanese abductee and the US Special Envoy Robert King. 52European Parliament resolution of 24 May 2012 on the situation of North Korean refugees 53 European Parliament resolution of 8 July 2010 on North Korea 54 Buzek on the death of Kim Jong-il, 19 December 2011 13 Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies 5. Annexes Figure 1: Map of North Korea Source: United Nations Table 1: Data Basic informat ion on North Korea Population Capital Life expectancy 24 589 122 (July 2012 est. ) Pyongyang 66 years for men, 72 years for women (UN) 14

Friday, September 13, 2019

Undecided Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Undecided - Research Paper Example Kate Choplin and Henrick Ibsen tried to depict sensitive, smart women who are not satisfied with their second roles in the man`s world. Kate Choplin`s feminist novels were forgotten after her death as they could not find their reader in her time. But activation of feminist movement in the second half of the 20th century let the readers and the critics see her works in a new light. Chopin’s literature gift, her sophisticated manner of writing influenced by French novelists, and her dedication to social, racial and gender problems were highly evaluated buy new generation of readership. Moreover, her attention to details became a characteristic feature of Choplin`s prose. In â€Å"The story of an Hour† Kate Choplin`s explores marriage from an unexpected perspective. A young woman is told that her husband died in the railroad disaster. Relatives and friends try to present the news in the most delicate way, however the woman goes to her room to be left alone. Here she realizes that death of her husband brought her not only grief but unexpected freedom and relief. Now she can live for herself and be the only mistress of her body and soul. Choplin depicts the woman who perceived marriage devoid of pure love and intimacy as obligation. Such attitude to marriage was typical to the à ©poque but not much attention was drawn to the emotional and psychological state of women in such relationships. To emphasize the degree to which the heroine`s emotions were suppressed Choplin â€Å"kills† her, and explains her death by the sense of happiness. Thus, the author was among the first writers who encouraged women to understand their real emotions and value body and soul freedom above all. In her story â€Å"Desiree`s Baby† Choplin speaks of even more controversial topics- gender and racial discrimination. A beautiful girl abandoned by her parents is raised in the house of noble French Creoles is the principal character of the story. She falls

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Sotcks investment project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sotcks investment project - Essay Example Listed at the NYSE in 1970, the UK firm was selected because of the interest in the energy sector based on the price fluctuations it experiences. The BP stocks were trading well at an average of $41.5. With earnings per share of 4.99 in the current year, investing in the firm would be a noble idea. But with the news of how the company was duped in the compensation of for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico spill because its attorneys failed to include the need for proof of damage by the spill, the BP stock slipped, and particularly by 1.2% in London on 5th June 2013. The same industry had me trade in ConocoPhillips, a major integrated oil and gas firm that explores, produces and markets crude oil, natural gas and bitumen globally. With its headquarters in Houston, Texas, the firm was founded in 1917 with Conoco and Phillips merging in 2002 to create the firm. The choice of ConocoPhillips’ stock for trading was informed by the need to understand the industry by considering another firm oth er than the earlier studies BP. ConocoPhillips would be a viable investment because since 2002, the firm has had its gross profit and cost of goods sold remain constant or improve, save for the year 2008 when falling commodity prices and declining market capitalization caused a slight dip. As such, shareholders are assured of returns on their investments over a long term. Additionally, the firm is the largest independent energy and petroleum firm as measured by production and proved reserves as noted by Market Watch; a sovereignty that secures the interest of shareholders. The stock price of ConocoPhillips exhibit strong correlation with its financial achievement. The $11 billion repurchase of common stock in 2011 aimed at increasing its earnings per share and net income thus increase demand for its stock which would in turn raise its price at the stock exchange. With a dividend of $2.64 in the pas financial year, the firm has had its stock price averaging at about $60. To further u nderstand the trends in major integrated oil and gas industry, Exxon Mobil, another firm from the industry, was selected for trading practice in this class. Exxon Mobil explores and produces crude oil and natural gases and also manufactures petroleum products. The Irving, Texas firm, founded in 1870 also transports and sells these products. Its operations cut across the globe to cover the US, Canada, Africa, Asia, Europe and Australia. The merger between Exxon and Mobil in 1999 which made the firm the largest publicly traded company in the energy sector could be a reason to attract investors. Just like other firms in this industry, the stock price of Exxon Mobil would be greatly influenced by the prices of crude oil. The increase in prices of crude oil in the period around 2011 saw the firm raise the price of its products which translated to increased stock price. With forecasted future increase in energy demand globally, it is anticipated that its share price will keep rising. Four thly, Hertz was selected for the trading practice to help understand how changes in the oil industries affect consumers of its products. Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Park Ridge, NJ, Hertz runs two segments in its business: renting cars and renting equipment in Canada and the US. Investing in Hertz would be viable as

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Marketing Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words - 1

Marketing Plan - Research Paper Example new look of the MS Office programs such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint provided with efficient features making the working process more comfortable, easy and safe; as well as enhancing already existing means of communication and information exchange. Microsoft Corporation main mission is based on idea of sustaining its position as World’s number one technology company which is engaged into creation, development, licensing and manufacturing software products and operating systems, search engines as well as conquering video game industry (Microsoft, 2015). Microsoft audience is as diversified as the product portfolio and it involved young adults of 16-30 years as targeted users Xbox consoles and operating systems for everyday and educational purposes as well as business segment using software in professional sphere where collecting, storing and presentation of information are essential processes and can be seen on firms and corporations different in size. Nowadays the competition within industry is severe as the company is diversified and it meets rough competition in several key areas such as search engine and smart phones from giants such as Google, Apple and Oracle. Microsoft market consists of products, consumers and business users. The main feature of this very aspect is implied in diversification of product portfolio which is aimed at reaching the audience through erasing the boundaries of age, profession, social status (Microsoft, 2015). Operation systems are designed to be applied on computers and other devices as means of data storing or day-to-day operations including education, entertainment, health care, programs such as Skype can be used by professionals and consumers. Corporate (business market) – people engaged in large businesses, firms and corporation feel the need in sufficient software in order to work with information on different levels, bringing convenience into the process of collecting, storing and presentation of information as well