
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How Aerial Travel and Cabin Pressure Adversely Affects the Human Body Essay

The idea of humans traveling to the Moon or other areas out side of the Earth’s orbit is mostly scientific. However, when astronauts remain in space, having to re-balance the body to suit less or no gravity compared to the Earth could bring about many changes to the body. Scientists have found that the time required for recovery depends on the time spent in zero-gravity conditions. The longer one stays off of the Earth’s surface, the more damage can be caused. Strictly speaking, even a trip in an Airplane would require safety precautions to minimize damage to the body of this. For example, cabin pressure increased to maintain balance and prevent feeling different to a lower pressure. This essay will consist of two sections. The first will be of flight effects within the Earth’s hemisphere, and how to perhaps prevent damage to the body. The second, and longer section deals with space travel through Zero-gravity and effects of weightlessness on the body and the cou nter-measures to prevent damage to the body. Section 1, flight effects on the passengers, specifically dealing with cabin pressure: Airplanes fly at the cruising altitude of around 33’000 feet, or approximately 10’000 meters. Because the cruising altitude has a cabin pressure lower than air pressure on ground or even under sea-level, the oxygen availability is less and gases within the body expand. This causes the oxygen saturation level of the blood to reduce, which can lead to mild hypoxia, the reduced supply of oxygen to the tissues around the body. Due to the effects of hypoxia, alcohol consumption would affect the brain much more than it would on Earth. As the aircraft makes its decent back to Earth, air must be allowed to flow into the middle of the ear to equalize pressure differences. Passengers often can feel this change in air pressure. People with ear, nose and sinus infections are usually advised to avoid flying because of these changes in air pressure. Air travel in airplanes has less thank 20% humidity. This causes discomfort to the eyes, mouth and nose but does not risk the passenger’s health. This discomfort can be prevented by drinking liquids (water recommended) before and during the flight, and using skin moisturizers. Also passengers with short-sightedness or long-sightedness are advised to wear eye-glasses rather than contact lenses during flight as the contact lenses may dry out. In order to avoid de-hydration, passengers should drink non- alcoholic beverages. Section 2, how traveling through space affects humans Astronauts often experience â€Å"Zero- Gravity† during their travels through space. This zero gravity or micro gravity can bring about health concern to the body if astronauts remain in space for a long period of time. It would be much healthier for crews to live under artificial gravity. In order to prevent any biological changes in the body when experiencing zero gravity, scientists recommend a force of artificial gravity equal to a third of the Earth’s level of gravity. However, scientists still haven’t research affects of artificial gravity on humans but they know for a fact and there is an imbalance in the body due to the shifts of gravity levels. Artificial gravity prevents physiological changes from occurring. In zero-gravity, the body deteriorates. It takes less muscle to move around, so after a long period of time in space, muscles weaken so the body bends. Because there is no tension in space, muscles relax and after a while they atrophy as a result of disuse and eventually disappear. To prevent the fracture of bones, limbs and muscles, all space shuttles give the opportunity for astronauts to do rigorous exercise everyday to keep the muscles strong. Staying in Zero-gravity for months causes bones to lose mass and get thinner, as they are not carrying any weight. This means astronauts must go through rigorous trainings in the spacecraft everyday in order to keep muscle and bone strength. â€Å"When a great deal of the crew’s precious time in space is spent exercising rather than doing science, money and potential knowledge are being squandered for the sake of health. It is a sacrifice, but a necessary one1† In space, receptors in the inner ear allow humans to sense direction. In space, ear receptors don’t receive the same cues and the mind gets used to ignoring the inner ear’s feelings about balance. Hand-eye coordination, posture and balance are all affected by the disorientation of the mind. When astronauts return to earth, they are often â€Å"overwhelmed by dizziness† and have difficulty in maintaining balance. An example of the mind adapting to the new gravity less surroundings would be with Shannon Lucid, who was on board the Russian space Station MIR for six months. The astronaut said â€Å"You just sort of get used to floating around† but we also know that floating around is not all that astronauts do- they must resist the effects of micro gravity on the body. Also, no gravity means no resistance from growing, so some astronauts return to earth some 6 inches taller than when they left. It is only after a few months that they grow down/ shrink back to normal height. This is because of the unloading of spinal discs- because of lack of gravity, the discs in the spine are not holding up or don anything, so they tend to stretch rather than contract. Traveling through micro gravity causes bodily fluids to shift from the lower body to the cephalic area (head), and so people’s faces tend to swell and become rounder than they are on earth. When the brain senses a higher amount of blood than usual, it interprets the situation that there is now an overall increase in the total volume of fluids in the body. The brain responds by triggering the excretion of fluids, making astronauts prone to dehydration. Also, the fluid redistribution can shrink legs as the bones are weaker. These fluids pass through the kidneys, causing kidney filtration rate to increase, bone loss can cause Kidney stones. Fluids that leave the body include calcium loss and bone demineralization. The loss of blood plasma causes temporary Anemia upon the return to Earth. Some crew members get â€Å"space anemia.† Scientists are concerned about the affects of catching this disease on over all crew performance. Blood volume may decrease by 10 percent. The increase of fluids in the head causes the same feeling as when one has a cold and feels blocked in. in space astronauts begin to lose their sense of taste, causing the craving for strong flavorings in the food such as horseradish, mustard and taco sauce. Fluid loss, lack of exercise and diminished appetite cause weight loss as astronauts tend not to eat as much as they would on earth. Meals and exercise are planned to prevent excessive loss. Zero-gravity affects the cardio-vascular system. On earth we must cope with gravity, which sustains or slows down the blood-flow. In zero gravity, there is no gravity force, causing the heart to slow down due to the decreased demands of blood as it travels more freely. The immune system in the body is also affected by weightlessness. In space, one is exposed to illness as the immune response lowers and numbers of anti-bodies decrease after a long exposure to micro gravity. Approximately half of all astronauts are affected by this unpleasant syndrome which affects nausea, headache, lethargy and sweating (taken from NASA sources). Also, minor effects of weightlessness on the body include puffiness in the face, flatulence, weight loss, nasal congestion and often sleeping disturbances. Upon returning to earth, recovery time depends on the duration of stay in space. Muscles are weak and the body is not used to gravity forces, (causing them to feel dizzy) and so some astronauts are taken back in stretchers. This shows why astronauts need to be â€Å"at the peak of fitness.† If in the near future the human race would build space stations as tourist resorts, some would prefer hotels with zero-gravity and some would want partial gravity, which would bring about competition like hotels on earth, which would drive prices low. As gravity affects all biological, physical and chemical processes on earth, building an International Space Station gives new opportunity to study a world without gravity and its affect on animals and other living organisms. Observing the weightlessness effect on these living organisms could teach scientists about biological processes on earth, such as aging and osteoporosis. In the end, we can see that human travel through space is safer under artificial gravity when compared to astronauts being exposed to weightlessness, micro gravity or zero gravity (all three mean the same). Most of the problems mentioned such as fluid loss and muscle deterioration would not cause problems as long as the crew remained in a weightless environment. Remaining in a zero-gravity environment for over a long period of time could cause problems, however. In 1987, in the later stages of his 326-day mission, Russian Yuri Romanenko was fatigued both physically and mentally due to traveling through space. The majority of his day was spent sleeping regaining strength, in the meantime his bones were deteriorating. Some say if many like Romanenko stayed in space for much longer, he may not have survived re-entry to the Earth. Returning to Earth could cause problems as the body is much weaker due to demineralization and atrophy of the bones and shortage of red blood cells. Oneâ€℠¢s balance must now again be readjusted causing many astronauts to feel dizzy when back to a strong â€Å"g† force gravity on earth. Whether or not the large amount of time and money spent on keeping astronauts fit during space flight is worth the scientific findings is debatable. Physiological effects need to be prevented as much a possible. Again, this is usually prevented by rigorous exercise and micro gravity could still be a danger to the astronaut’s health. Many scientists believe that the benefits of transporting/sending out machines (robots) and humans to space, despite the health issues, are nothing compared to the huge benefit that society will receive. Humans will not be perfectly suited to living in a weightless environment, but that won’t stop Astrobiologists and many other research firms like NASA from exploring space. The many benefits of space exploration such as technological knowledge and inspiration easily outweigh the negative aspects. Bibliography: Sources were from Newspapers, CDs, web sites and a large extract of a book in one of the web-pages. Most web sites accessed on the 11th December 2003 and 9th January 2004. 1) http://library.thinkquest.org/C003763/index.php?page=adapt02 2) www.permanent.com/s-nograv.htm 3) http://library.thinkquest.org/C003763/index.php%3fpage=adapt02 4) www.spacefuture.com/habitat/zerog.shtml 5) http://mos.org/cst/article/77/6.html 6) http://school.discovery.com/schooladventures/spacestation/basics/why.html 7) www.relaxincomfort.com/zerogravity_benefits.html 8) http://experts.about.com/q/2540/2677459.htm 9) www.uclas.ac.uk/facs/science/physastr/courses/space/ssyear1/sc1201.htm 10) http://www.who.int/ith/chapter02_01.html 11) Definitions from Microsoft Encarta 2003 Premium Suite CD 12) http://library.thinkquest.org/2606/Environmental_problems/water_pollution_-_effects.html (used for first idea of project) 1 http://library.thinkquest.org/C003763/index.php%3fpage=adapt02

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Raising the Minimum Wage Essay

There has been a lot of discussion regarding the increase of minimum wage across the nation. Currently, the wage is set at a low amount of $7.25 an hour. In today’s society it is almost impossible to live on only an income of $7.25 an hour especially for those who are raising a family. In President Obama’s 2013 State of the Union Address, the president proposed to raise the minimum wage to 9 dollars by the year 2015 (Luhby). A higher minimum wage would help people living in poverty by providing better means of financial stability, and it would also improve the chances of those people trying to escape poverty stricken living conditions. Another bonus to increasing the minimum wage is that it could potentially help lift the economy back up out of recession. For example, if people have more money, they are more likely to spend more money, therefore creating an increase in revenue for the nation as a whole. An increase in the present minimum wage to $ 9.00 per hour will boo st the economy, promote sufficient funds for the standard of living, and enhance equality among all United States citizens. To fully understand the argument circulating around the minimum wage law, it is first essential to recognize the reasons it was established. In 1937, the United States was still recovering from the Great Depression (Wilson). The Great Depression, a direct result of World War I, was a historical low point in United States’ economy. During this period of time, President Franklin D. Roosevelt endorsed the New Deal, which was a series of economic programs that helped to stimulate the nation’s economy (M.W. Overview). Once the bill was approved by President Roosevelt, Congress began a rigorous deliberation in order to deem the bill as constitutional. Unfortunately, the original document was found unconstitutional, which then caused the proposed bill to be re-evaluated before being enacted into a new law. After a long debate, policymakers reached an agreement as to what statutes would be included within the updated New Deal’s economic stimulus programs. Among those provisions, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 was instituted because it was believed to protect workers and stimulate the economy simultaneously (M.W. Overview). Meaning that, the federal government was not only concerned with rebuilding the United States’  economy, but they also recognized the importance of financial stability among all citizens. As a result of this recognition, Congress felt the need to implement a program that was specifically designed to protect employees from being over-worked and under-paid. Thus, in 1938 the first minimum wage of $0.25 an hour was enacted as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act (Sherk). This mandated pay rate ensured that workers would not only earn enough to sufficiently support themselves but also enough to support a family. Since the initial implementatio n of the minimum wage, Congress has decreed several raises in order to maintain an adequate income. In fact, according to Mark Sherk, author of The Negative Effects of Minimum Wage Laws, the minimum wage has been increased twenty-two times throughout its existence (Sherk). These increases suggest that the United States government recognized that its citizens were being underpaid and therefore adjusted the minimum wage accordingly so that workers would be compensated properly. With that being said, it is obvious that the United States government regulates the minimum wage, however it is also important to recognize that the responsibilities of the minimum wage are divided between different levels of government such as: national, state and local jurisdictions. The United States is operated by a federalist government, meaning that multiple levels of government share power (O’Gorman). For instance, a popular example of this type of government being exercised is allowing individual states to decide whether or not to legalize marijuana within their borders. This means that while one state may oppose the legalization of marijuana, another separate state may choose to accept marijuana as legal. Consequently, a similar approach applies when dealing with the issue of the minimum wage. The national government mandates a federal minimum wage that all states must adhere too, however states then have the option to implement a minimum wage on top of the federal minimum wage. This means that each individual state has the capability of initiating a higher minimum wage for its own citizens. Once the decision of applying a separate minimum wage has been made by the states, the United States Department of Labor requires that employees must receive the higher wage (Grace). In other words, employers within a state that have two minimum wages, a federal and state minimum wage, are r equired to pay employees the higher of the two. This policy ensures that employees are at  least compensated the federal minimum wage regardless of what a state implements unless the state mandates a higher minimum wage. In addition to policy enactment, the United States government also has two main economic responsibilities in order to reduce income inequalities among its citizens. According to the article Federalism and American Inequality, the government is economically responsible for development and redistribution (Kelly and Witko). Although the government is responsible for two economic activities, the duties are divided between state and national governments. State governments are in charge of developmental policies so that each state has the power to enact regulations that meet the needs of its individual residents. This can be seen within the American education system, such as allowing each state to decide curriculums for graduating high school. Likewise, the national government is responsible for redistributing funds throughout the nation in order to promote equality among all United States citizens. A great example for this method is the Social Security program, which is an entitlement program that spreads funds across generations to even out the wealth (O’Gorman). In fact, the Social Security program takes taxes from one group of people and disperses it directly to another group. Despite the United States government’s attempts to ensure all citizens have an equal opportunity in regards to income, unfortunately that is not the case. Studies suggest that an extravagant amount of workers earn either the current minimum wage of $7.25 an hour or less. As a matter of fact, in 2012 about 3.6 million workers fell into this category, which makes up about 4.7% of all hourly paid workers (Minimum Wage Workers). Even though the percentage of workers who fit into this category may seem slow, in reality it is an alarming rate especially since minorities and young people make up most of the population. As illustrated by the National Employment Law Project, 50% of minimum wage earners are 25 years of age and younger and another 5% of workers were of African American, Hispanic, Latino descent (NELP). That means that nearly 55% of workers who make the federal minimum wage are considered to be a minority across the nation. Another interesting statistic, reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is that about three-fifths of minimum wage workers are employed in some type of service related industry (Minimum Wage Workers). For instance, a lot of food servers, waiters and waitresses, only earn a minimum wage salary of $7.25 or  less. However, in these professions, it is expected that employees receive tips from the served consumers. Then after combining the two entities, employees should earn a salary that is either equal to or more than the current minimum wage, but on many occasions, workers still do not make enough to equal a minimum wage salary. Along with recognizing who is actually affected by a minimum wage salary, it is also crucial to understand the economic stability the federal minimum wage accommodates for. In 2012 during his State of the Union address, President Barack Obama announced, â€Å"A minimum wage worker who works full time year round does not make enough to be considered above the federal poverty line† (Cooper). According to Dr. Sherry Kasper, an economics professor at Maryville College, the federal poverty line for one single individual is around $11,500 a year (Kasper). Since President Obama stated that full time minimum wage workers do not make enough money to meet the requirements to be above the federal poverty line, there are tons of people who make less than $11,500 annually and struggle financially to support themselves, let alone enough to support a family. Therefore, because the minimum wage so low, America has millions of people living in poverty. In addition to making an incredibly low annual salary, minimum wage workers also have to deal with actual monetary value this type of wage provides for. In the past, earning a minimum wage was sufficient enough to keep a single parent family of around two or three out of poverty. Yet in recent years that has been proven untrue for today’s world. The minimum wage was initiated in order to ensure that families were provided a living wage so that they could afford basic necessities (Kasper). However, in this day and age, the current minimum wage does not provide an efficient living wage, but instead only a wage that each United States citizen is entitled to earn. The graph below titled Annual minimum wage earnings and poverty level for families of two or three (2012$) illustrates the history of the federal minimum wage in terms of buying power in the economy. The graph above displays the current minimum wage does not provide enough money for a family of three to reach even the most basic level of adequate living standard, but if the president’s proposal to raise the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour went into effect, families would in deed earn enough money to escape poverty stricken living conditions. As with any important policy issue, people’s opinions will clash and create a huge debate over which side gives the best solution, and the argument around whether or not to increase the minimum wage is no different. There have been many skeptics arise that feel that raising the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour would completely destroy today’s economy instead of helping it. Some even claim that a higher minimum wage would only make life for those living in poverty worse. James Sherk, a Senior Policy Analyst in Labor Economics reported a higher minimum wage would result in more unemployment and it would cause the cost of living to increase (Sherk). The argument involving more unemployment is based on the assumption that employers will be forced to reduce staff sizes in order to compensate for paying a higher wage. Yet contrary to that belief, Princeton economists, David Card and Alan Krueger’s, fifteen year research project, found that modest increases in the minimum wage have had very little or no effect on the rate of employment (NELP). Hence, the rate of employment should be considered insignificant when determining if the minimum wage should be increased or not. Another negative claim to raising the minimum wage is that the cost of living will rise along with the minimum wage, and therefore not reduce poverty. Based on the way that American welfare programs work presently, an increase in the minimum wage could potentially result in people being cut off from government assistance. Currently, the amount of assistance people receive directly depends on their income levels. For example, each additional dollar of income reduces the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by 24 cents (Sherk). This means that at the exact same rate people earn a little extra money, their level of assistance decreases. But according to the article The Negative Effects of Minimum Wage Laws, research proves that the minimum wage has absolutely no direct effect on poverty (Wilson). Thus meaning that, increasing the current minimum wage to $9.00 an hour will not result in higher levels of poverty. In today’s society, a $7.25 minimum wage does not sufficiently provide enough money for an individual to afford an adequate standard of living. In  fact it does not even furnish basic needs that everyone deserves in life. A higher minimum wage would improve the lives of people living in poverty and possibly boost the entire United Stats’ economy by increasing revenue since people would be able to afford spending extra money. Therefore implementing a higher minimum wage of $9.00 an hour is a great solution for the economic recession that is currently taking place. It would provide sufficient funds necessary for a descent life, improve the economy, and even promote equality among American citizens. In short, the United States government needs to raise the federal minimum wage to $9.00 an hour because it is the most effective solution to the present economic crisis and it is in the best interest of all United States’ residents. Works Cited Cooper, David. â€Å"Putting a $9 minimum wage in context .† Economic Policy Institute. Working Economics, 15 Feb. 2013. Web. 29 Sept. 2013. Luhby, Tami. â€Å"The impact of a $9 minimum wage.† CNN Money. N.p., 12 Feb. 2013. google.com. Web. 17 Sept. 2013. Kasper, Sherry. â€Å"Public Policy Interview.† Message to the author. 16 Nov. 2013. E-mail. Kelly, Nathan J., and Christopher Witko. â€Å"Federalism And American Inequality.† Journal Of Politics 74.2 (2012): 414-426. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Sept. 2013. â€Å"Minimum Wage Overview: Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. (Cover Story). â€Å"Congressional Digest 92.5 (2013): 3-10. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Sept. 2013. â€Å"Minimum Wage Workers: Characteristics Of Those Employed At Or Below The Minimum Wage. (Cover Story).† Congressional Digest 92.5 (2013): 11-32. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Sept. 2013. â€Å"NELP Briefing Paper.† National Employment Law Project. NELP, Jan. 2011. Web. 29 Sept. 2013. O’Gorman, Mark. â€Å"Domestic Policy.† Maryville, TN. 22 Oct. 2013. Lecture. Sherk, James. â€Å"What is Minimum Wage: Its History and Effects on the Economy.† The Heritage Foundation. N.p., 25 June 2013. Web. 29 Sept. 2013. Wilson, Mark. â€Å"The Negative Effects of Minimum Wage Laws.† Cato Institute. N.p., Sept. 2012. Web. 29 Sept. 2013.

Monday, July 29, 2019

NEW TERRORIST THREATS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

NEW TERRORIST THREATS - Research Paper Example Al Qaeda has undergone a radical metamorphosis from the â€Å"organized, idealistic group† to a rag tag unit that advanced aspects of radicalism. The radical shift and nature of Al Qaeda does not mean that its lethal power has been reduced. What is contrary is the observation that the unit has embraced new and modern ways to advance its terrorist ideals. The strength and the standards of the group have been embraced by many people from all over the world who have aligned and embraced the radical tenets of the group. Nations all over the world have acknowledged that Al Qaeda cannot be ignored, and its radical aspects should not be dismissed. They have set modalities that will ensure that they are perfectly equipped with the ability to deal with any form of terrorist act. In instances where nations lack the capacity to deal with terrorism and terrorist groups, international bodies have offered assistance at each and every stage. This is with the realization that terrorism affect s all nations in the world. New Terrorist Threats Prior to the events of September 11, 2001, the United States, and much of the world for that matter, was blissfully ignorant with regards to the terrorist threat. Although it is true that terrorism had been evidenced within the United States many times throughout its history, the sheer scope and scale of destruction, as well as loss of human life, that was exhibited on September 11, demanded that the United States integrate with a more nuanced and proactive approach to defining and combating terrorism around the globe. One definitive reality that can currently be stated with regards to the current evidence of terrorism is the fact that over 10 years of incessant conflict between the United States and its allies and al Qaeda have severely weakened it and monumentally decreased its operating effectiveness, it should not be understood that Al Qaeda does not pose a threat anymore (Spaaij, 2010). Rather, the capabilities of this particula r entity have severely been weakened as leadership has been decimated by a proactive and aggressive assassination program. Yet, even though Al Qaeda no longer poses anywhere close to the same level of threat that it did but a decade ago, the reader should understand the definition of terrorism and terrorist entities do not begin or end with Al Qaeda; or even radical Islamic terror groups in and of themselves. Whereas the recent past has been defined by large terror organizations seeking to carry out complex and logistically challenging tactics, the recent paradigm necessarily denotes a far larger number of individual or â€Å"lone wolf† terrorists, oftentimes under the leadership of a mentor, have begun to redefine terrorist threat within the modern era. As a function of understanding and appreciating this new dynamic, the following analysis will seek to illustrate some relevant in recent cases in which the â€Å"lone wolf† terrorist has engaged and/or destroyed/killed targets based upon seemingly their own volition (Barnes, 2012). Additionally, the analysis will also discuss the means by which traditional interpretations of terrorism and the groups that sponsor it, such as Al Qaeda, continue to be relevant and should not be discounted entirely. Although the analysis will focus much of the attention upon radical Islamic extremists, it must be understood that many different and disparate groups comprise the terrorist threat that is based within the current system. One

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Salah Aldin (captur of juresalum Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Salah Aldin (captur of juresalum - Article Example The two most significant sites for Muslims in Jerusalem are Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, which like the Ka’ba’ is based over a sacred stone. Above all, it is regarded as the third-holiest city in the Muslim perspective, after Mecca and Medina. Further, is it perceived that verse 44 of chapter 43 of the Koran was revealed in the city of Jerusalem: â€Å"Ask those of our messengers we went before thee-Have we appointed apart from the All-Merciful, gods to be served?† It is therefore the hope of all Muslims that this holy City will be restored to a peaceful land. How Salah Aldin took back Jerusalem In 1099, Jerusalem was dominated by the Christians in the First Crusade. In the year 1095, Pope Urban VII delivered an influential speech at the Council of Clermont following the Byzantines request for him to provide a military help against the growing threatening Seljuk Turks. This gave the Pope a chance to complete two objectives; to stop the European prince s and kings from conflicting themselves and to reunite the Western and Eastern empires of Rome. Pope Urban requested for a â€Å"Truce of God† between the rulers of Europe and begged them to restore the holy land from Muslims. It was from this point that the first Crusaders started the extensive trip to the East. They crossed strange lands they knew little about; they also had no idea of the military powers and flaws of the cities and communities they came across. On their arrival in Jerusalem in 1099, they were able to capture the prominent city from the Muslims. The Christians utilized cruel techniques to overpower the Muslims during this so called â€Å"Holy War.† Christians controlled Jerusalem for 89 years, till when a brilliant Egyptian King named Salah-al-Din took it back forcibly in1187 (Ali, 1999). During the capture, Saladin was so determined to deliver Jerusalem from the Christian influence. Unlike the Crusaders, Saladin never used the brutal ways on the Inh abitants. He instead showed mercy and restraint upon the Crusaders; he permitted them to stay or leave harmless, as they did wished. Most chose to leave, but left with masses of golden ornaments and church treasures, Saladin never minded so that he could avoid harming them. He even assigned his army to escort them safely to Tyre. On of the Chroniclers commented on Saladin’s humane treatment saying, â€Å"Who could not endure the suffering of the refugees, ordered their squires to dismount and set aged Christians upon their steeds. Some of them even carried Christian children in their arms."(Maalouf 1989). Most people complained of Saladin’s techniques, lamenting that the Muslim had no leader like Saladin and they should be grateful to him for setting up the Crusader protection of Tyre. However, this was just his character and wisdom. When his secretaries criticized about his compassion in the taking back of Jerusalem, Saladin said to them, â€Å"we will allow it to b e a victory that the world shall remember for all time.†According to Maaalouf, as compared to European conquest of the city, Saladin’s capture of Jerusalem was far more elegant and less bloody. The mosques had been ransacked and destroyed by the Christians. However, Saladin conserved and refurnished the churches as well as allowing the Byzantine patriarch to rule them directly. They prayed freely in their holy places, and Saladin handed over Christian

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Descartes Mind Body Dualism in 6th Meditation Essay

Descartes Mind Body Dualism in 6th Meditation - Essay Example Although his theory was subjected to a lot of challenges and controversies, yet philosophers mutually hold the consensus that there is a certain level of truth in the theory proposed by Descartes because we would never have felt the existence of our bodies had we never had any minds. Thus, existence of mind was fundamental to the human realization of body. This somewhat promotes the view that mind works independent of the body. The thesis proposed by Descartes is frequently referred to as the substance dualism. The thesis derives its name from its underlying ideology that emphasizes that this world is fundamentally made up of two types of substances, one materialistic and the other mental, with the former being mortal and the latter being immortal. The dual substance theory also reflects in the fact that human mind is free of the principles of nature, while all physical things abide by the principles of nature. Human thinking is quite vast. This paper evaluates the mind-body theory p roposed by Descartes. Human mind does work independent of the body but with certain restrictions. Yes, the mind can exist independent of the body, though it depends which part of the body is lost. This can be estimated from the fact that some people lose parts of their body like limbs, feet, hands in some accident and some are born with these disabilities, yet it does not decrease their mental ability in any way. In fact, in a vast majority of cases in which people suffer from a certain kind of disability, they are able to optimize on their other kinds of skills. For example, an individual that is born deaf is sharper in learning the language of signs than an individual who can hear and speak. Likewise, people that lose their foot and have to walk with the help of crutches increase their muscular strength because of the constant exercise. Hence, losing some part or parts of the body does not deprive an individual of the natural energy. In fact, the mind has the same amount of energy to exert of the remaining body parts due to which, the individual’s performance in other areas improves. An individual’s mind would keep functioning if he/she receives a bullet in his/her hand, feet or leg. But if someone is shot in the heart, the mind would stop functioning soon thereafter because it will lose its source of blood supply. Heart purifies and pumps the blood to all parts of the body. If heart is lost, life is lost. If heart is intact, there is good chance that the individual would survive. In addition to the heart, another area that is very critical and is fundamental to the sustainability of life is the mind itself. Although human mind is a part of the body like all other parts including hands, feet and chest, yet its function is just as important as that of the human heart. Human mind sends messages to all parts of the body through electrical impulses. Therefore, if the mind is destroyed, every system inside the body would stop functioning and the ind ividual would lose life. Hence, mind can exist independently of the body to some extent, but the body can not exist without mind. Another example that proves the statement that mind can exist without body but to a certain extent is the fact that man can survive both in the space and under water, provided that he is equipped with sufficient supply of air. In the space, body loses all its weight and the man begins to float. Losing body

Friday, July 26, 2019

Communication-Public Relation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Communication-Public Relation - Assignment Example oach would not necessarily work in the event that a boss requires that his employees exhibit strong independent character traits, that allow for them to take the initiative and effectively address issues without constantly trying to come across as likable (Scheer, 2009). This position is further supported by research conducted by career edge which on a sample size of 1,118 Ontarians that found that 82 percent of individuals aged between 18 and 29 years actually preferred to being in workplace environments that offered them a balance between independence and teamwork (Taylor 2010). In a further demonstration of the research dubbed 5 myths established that 34% of individuals in this age category preferred that cubicle styled office structures that offered more independence and privacy to employees as opposed to using the open-concept of the more hyper-casual offices that offered less independence and privacy. I agree with the results of the survey that also established that this generation –Y ers are quite keen to understand the given corporate culture, however they do not what a boss whose acts like a best friend and instead prefer having bosses who act like mentors and provide them with a lot of feedback on their work (Taylor, 2010). Concepts such as employees going well above and beyond what their employees require of them, striving to establish good networks, and always ensuring that they display enthusiasm and energy are valuable tips that are not only useful during the internship period, but are also critical work ethics that should be observed by those wishing to be good employees (Internweb, 2014). Taylor, L. (2010). Career Edge Study: What twentysomethings want from their jobs. Retrieved on 27, May 2014,

Risk Management Bachelor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Risk Management Bachelor - Essay Example (European Airline industry-strategies for the new Millenium-sky Tech Solutions accessed from the website www.skytechsolutions.com and Global Market Forecast, The future of flying, 2006-2025, (2006), November, Accessed from the website www.airbus.com). Now it has been evident that aviation market in Europe has been increasing especially for low-cost carriers and therefore our airlines Blue Star will be started as soon as possible to take the advantage of booming air travel market. The proposed airlines "Blue Star" is willing to start operations from Vienna (Austria), whose location is more central to Eastern Europe and have the potential to cover Baltic nations (Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania), Poland, Czech & Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Croatia, Germany etc. The next important fact that founding partners of the Airlines are from three nationalities and around 45 years of age with 15 years of experience in managing an airlines which will prove successful in the long run. Another important fact that airline is starting with 10 same size/carrying capacity and most probably the same type of planes. It becomes easy to handle / upkeep the same type of plans for pilots and other staffs. It any reduce turnaround time and reduce maintenance expenses and training costs. An important fact in starting Blue star is that it is leasing those airports and concentrating on those destinations which are not expensive due to their landing fee or heavy traffic and where national carriers make competition more intense. The most important fact that airlines proposed that its starting capital of $ 100 million consists of only 50% from borrowing in which bank borrowing/short term is only $ 25 million and rest 25% is through long-term bonds. By adopting this method, airline ensures that instant debt-service has to be kept at minimum. These are the above five important facts, which Blue star kept in its mind to start with and will prove to be successful in the long run. The next important step is to choose the first 10 destinations, where the passengers' flow is maximum and risk of bad weather; security or political stability is at minimum. In Europe Most of the airlines are trying to operate in the east. Due to integration of Europe, Vienna is the place / hub for most of the airlines in central Europe joining West Europe and Eastern Europe. The Baltic nations, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are the new found destinations where low-cost airlines trying to reach out. Most of the passengers from Western Europe are (Businessman) moving in the Eastern Europe market exploring new opportunities where as persons living in Eastern Europe moving Western Europe to find new job oppourtunities. So Blue star has to choose its all the ten destinations keeping in mind the passenger's availability. Three Baltic nations are at first place. They have to start with three airports namely Parnu in the Estonia, Liepaja in Latvia and Kaunas in Lithuania. In choosing the thre e airports we had not taken the respective countries main airports i.e. Tallinum, Riga and vilnius due to airline policy to lease those airports have low leasing costs and potential competition from major carriers as well as more waiting time.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Study of How Donations to Non-Profit Organizations Contribute to the Thesis

A Study of How Donations to Non-Profit Organizations Contribute to the Financing of Terrorism - Thesis Example Such people have scant regard for human life and property and are prepared to go to any extent including using themselves in order to achieve their purpose. ‘Terrorism’, is often attributed to modern outfits that have adopted a covert approach to attacking governments and the general public in the quest for an idealistic cause, which has often resulted them in being banned and pursued after. Over the past 2 decades, the world has witnessed the rise of religious fundamentalism, which showcased its brutality with the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. Terrorist organizations have sprung up all over the world, especially in the Islamic world. Governments all over the world have been grappling with terrorist attacks and have undertaken several initiatives across several fronts in order to contain and eliminate the menace of terrorism. One of the identified problems found to aid terrorists in their sustenance has been the issue of terror financing. Several pr ominent methods including Non-profit organizations, narcotics and stock markets have been identified as sources that have been exploited by terrorists to secure money for their activities. Among the known forms of funding, the issue of funding terrorism though charities has caused quite a storm, which generates an interest in identifying the ways in which terrorists have managed to exploit non-profit organizations for their purpose. The current paper is an attempt at highlighting the issue and explores the concept of such funding through charities from several perspectives. The world is gripped against the threat of terror and the recent years have seen a vast increase in the rise of terrorist organizations over many parts of the world. While some are based on religious faith, others have been formed as a result of armed struggle, territorial conflicts or otherwise. We live in an ear fueled by the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A.i. artifcial inteligence (2001) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

A.i. artifcial inteligence (2001) - Essay Example The robot is highly developed that can feel love was adopted by Henry (Sam Robards) and his wife (Frances O’Connor). Henry and his wife have a son named Martin who is unwell and ill. But when Martin returns home, both Martin and David are jealous between each other. Henry’s wife, Monica sends David loose in the woods as Monica thinks that David may be a threat. David is truly determined to find Blue Fairy who can help David to turn to a real boy to get back love from Monica. The science fiction movie Artificial intelligence was directed, written, and also produced by Steven Spielberg. The idea behind the movie Artificial Intelligence was originated by Stanley Kubrick. Stanley entrusted Steven Spielberg the proposed project. But in the year 1999 suddenly Stanley Kubrick died. Then Kubrick’s wife persuaded Spielberg to complete the direction and artistic control of the film. Steven Spielberg is regarded as one of the best known and influential film personalities in the film industry. The movie A.I. is based on the short story by Brian Aldiss named as super –toys last all summer which was released in the year 1969. ... Artificial Intelligence was released in the year 2001. Structure/ Form Artificial Intelligence A.I. is very much a visionary, complex, ad spellbinding film that helps to tutor everyone through the faculty of imagination and in the name of love. Maximum shot of the film was done in studio where the famous Flesh fair and Gondola sets were developed in the Long beach of the south Los Angeles and in the enormous Spruce Goose Dome. These sets were built in the year 1983. It was built to house famous Howard Hughes plane. Artificial Intelligence is cinematically wonderful to watch and tells emotional story about the robot child and quest for maternal love (Westfahl, 2005). The title of the movie perfectly blends with the movie. Normally Artificial Intelligence means a branch of computer science that develops advance software and machines. The whole movie is sci-fi and movie is about future machines like David which was created and can act normally as a kid. The title of the movie connects w onderfully with the theme of the movie. Artificial Intelligence movie was distributed by DreamWorks Pictures in international theatrical and Warner Bros. Pictures in USA theatrical. In the opening credits only movie name is presented. And movie name is presented in such a way that both words Artificial and Intelligence words are coming from sideways to join at a center of a screen to become A.I. It perfectly blends with the setting of the movie. The setting of the movie is futuristic. The film commences with a narrative after the catastrophic global warming that lead to flood which destroyed landscapes and thousands of population (Kowalski, 2008). The commencement of movie gives the view everything changed in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ambassador for Ethopia paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ambassador for Ethopia - Term Paper Example Religious allegiances of Ethiopian population are generally mixed, with Orthodox Christianity being followed by 43,5% of religious population, with different forms of Islamic faith (33,9%) and Protestant Christian churches (18,6%) being the second and the third most popular confessions, respectively (â€Å"Ethiopia†, 2011). As regards population density, it should be noted that it amounts to 186/sq. mi, and therefore Ethiopia ranks as the 123rd by population density among the nations of the world. The annual population growth of Ethiopia exceeds 3.194%, with 42.99 births/1,000 population (â€Å"Ethiopia†, 2011). This would make Ethiopia 8th among the world’s countries by population growth and 6th by birth rate, respectively. Total fertility rate equals 6,02 children born/woman. However, the extremely high infant mortality level (77.12 deaths/1,000 live births) definitely presents a difficulty to further demographic development and stabilization of the country, wh ile life expectancy at birth amounts to mere 56.19 years (â€Å"Ethiopia†, 2011).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Compare the two newspapers Essay Example for Free

Compare the two newspapers Essay In this essay I will be studying two articles and discussing the differences between them. One article is from the tabloid newspaper The Daily Mail and the other article is from the broadsheet newspaper The Guardian. Both reports are the same and are about an A-level grading scandal at the universities in Cambridge and Oxford. The headline also includes slight exaggeration describing the disaster at the universities as a scandal to entice the reader. The page is set on a five-column layout with two subsections at the bottom of the page. The pictures are printed just below the headline, as they are important to the clarification of the report. Below the pictures are the annotations from each of the three students explaining their stories. There are also the names of the reporters and writers above the article. The three pictures of the students are full facials as the photographers were trying to get close-up enough so you can feel the frustration that they are going through. They are three separate pictures as the students are from different classes, possibly even from different schools. They have a student from History called Michael Herring a young lady from English called Ann-Marie and another young lady also called Anne-Marie but from Geography. The emotions they show are frustration and anger at the situations they have now been put in. The opening paragraph is definitely the main part of the article not including the headline. It is the first proper part of script, which you read, and its this part, which has to get you hooked for you to read on. The opening paragraph for this report definitely does that as it summarises the story in short form, so, if you like it, you read on, if you dont, you read whatever does interest you. Overall the written report is all about the event at hand, it doesnt wander and talk about something else suddenly, it is about the one story only. There arent really any opinions but it does have peoples speech and comments e. g. some members of the council board have mentioned that there is a definite fault in the new grading system. It does mention that Tony Blairs son Euan Blair could have also been affected by this event as he was taking his French A-levels at the time it happened. So Tony Blair is supporting any means of helping the situation. In my opinion the reporters would find it hard to find this sort of story amusing and they have obviously looked into every fact and written each one about twice. So I think they certainly have their own opinions about this situation. There isnt really any proper slang as this is an important report and the language is aimed at all age groups. The reporters have made sure everyone can read the article. It isnt written in superior or sophisticated words either, as the newspaper is not aimed at really high-class people . There isnt any jokes or stock expressions, as they arent trying to make this story into a joke , it is a serious report. I would say the overall tone of the report is earnest. This decision is supported by the title of the report which exaggerates the story and makes it sound very significant. The pictures support the tone as the students seem depressed and unhappy so they also make you think what has happened is not a good thing . The report itself is written as if they know exactly what their talking about and they want you to know. I dont think this is typical report for a tabloid newspaper because normally they add lots of stock expressions and use more colloquial language. I think the purpose of this report is to make you think. Think about the important things that are happening at the moment that arent actually affecting you, for you to realise what is happening in your community and to possibly act upon it. Maybe you cant act upon this but maybe when there is something else just as important you wont choose to ignore it. In the broadsheet newspaper this would probably be categorised as an inside story as it doesnt take up much room on a broadsheet page. Also this report doesnt have any pictures but it does have a lot of writing. The article is about the same subject as the tabloid, but the headline describes it in a different way. It doesnt use any exaggeration but it tries to make the report sound more horrific by saying the number of examination papers that have to be reviewed, which is, 300,000 where as the tabloid newspaper said the number of students that the grading scandal had hit, which is, 100,000. The report is a six-column layout with a short bold headline above it and a quick summary of what the story is about before you actually start to read the article and at the end of the report theres an email address for the Guardian newspaper online. The opening paragraph uses no colloquial language and is written in a full but short sentence. The whole article is dedicated to the written report and there are no subsections on the page although in a broadsheet there were probably other features on the page or other stories. Again the writers or reporters names are on the page. No slang words are used as the type of people who read the newspaper are mainly high-class people who wouldnt read slang or colloquial language. There are a lot of peoples comments in the report. I suspect the reporters find this story very interesting as they include what a lot of people said and add the teachers names who work at the universities. There are no stock expressions but I dont think its just because this is a serious report, I dont think they use them anyway. I think the tone of the report in the broadsheet is not quite as serious as in the tabloid , the newspaper liked the story and decided to publish it to see if that would get the readers eye. I dont think it was very high priority to the reporters as it was only an inside story and there were no pictures to support the tone of the article and the headline wasnt very strong either. The broadsheet would ever publish something like this as a human interest story, unlike the tabloid, as it would not interest the type of people who would buy this newspaper. My conclusion is that I think tabloid newspapers are easier to read and they have pictures to support the article and the newspaper is smaller to carry around. They were both very informative but in their own ways. They are very different and that is because they are aimed at different audiences.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reflective Essay on Coping with Stress

Reflective Essay on Coping with Stress Psychology can be defined as the study of behavior as well as mind, embracing all aspects of the entire human experience. In other words, it is an applied science discipline that seeks to understand humans along with groups by ascertaining general principles as well as researching specific cases. On the other hand, psychological adjustment is the process of adapting to, coping with, as well as managing the emerging challenges of the daily life. Adjusting to your life in terms of subjective well-being, Subjective well-being is an individuals perceptions as well as self-adjustments of health and well-being (Webb Wills, 2012). It entails a persons feeling of happiness and life satisfaction. With regard to my life, I can say that I am satisfied with my subjective well-being. However, since I am a veteran, I think that the veterans administration needs to be more attentive when it comes to veterans healthcare for me to be extremely satisfied with this adjustment facet. Context on its part is the historical, social, economic, and cultural factors as well as settings that influence our lives. I am able to adjust to different contexts effectively and for that case; everything I think, say, and do is often colored by where I come from, whom I am with, and what is happening at the moment. Besides, diversity entails different cultures and ethnic settings. On this part, I am culturally competent, and therefore I can adjust well in diverse settings. Balancing Priorities Balancing my priorities, specifically with home, work, school, recreation, and / or family has to be an ongoing plan. I am a student and at the same time, set aside time for working in order to pay my bills. I also need enough time for my family alongside recreation. All this might not be possible, with the limited resources in our disposal. To that effect, I have an effective work-life balance that adequately enables me to follow my daily schedule according to plan. In this case, I ensure that I give attention to my most pressing needs and demands at home, work, school, and even recreation. Of course I give more attention to work and school since these priorities are so fundamental to my prospective economic stability. However, each day I must devote my free time to my family and for recreation activities in order to keep fit. Developing Identity I develop my identity by raising my self-esteem along with establishing a unique self-concept that enables me to stand out in different ethnic platforms.ÂÂ   In review, self-esteem is a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude towards the self, whereby; it reflects an individuals subjective emotional evaluation of his/her own worth (Fennell, 2009). I have been able to develop my self-esteem effectively through constant practice. In addition, self-concept is the sense of being distinct and separate from others as well as the persistency of the self. Here, I have fully developed myself concept by having my own unique way of doing things. I always come out with thought provoking ideas that are based on my own analysis and perception of life, something that helps me develop my self-concept. Ethnicity is often rooted in cultural heritage, race, nationality, language, and religion. I often adjust to different ethnic groups by being culturally competent. Coping with Stress Stress is a reaction to a stimulus that distracts an individuals physical or mental equilibrium (Tummers, 2013). I often cope with stress by engaging in relaxing activities, or practicing calming techniques, that help to manage my stress and improve my overall coping. Besides, among my coping strategies include; being proactive, following my interests, and seeking out peer support from others that I am loved and cared for, esteemed and valued (Taylor, 2003). Improving my social skills, asking for help, and always learning from mistakes. When its all said and done, I do believe that I have a more optimistic outlook on life to a point, but not over exaggerated. References Fennell, M. J. V. (2009). Overcoming low self-esteem: A self-help guide using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques. Australia: Accessible Publishing Systems. Tummers, N. (2013). Stress management: A wellness approach. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Taylor, S(2003). Social psychology (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Webb, D., Wills, H. E. (2012). Subjective well-being and security. Dordrecht: Springer.

Southwest Airlines and Employee Engagement Strategy of the Company

Southwest Airlines and Employee Engagement Strategy of the Company The companys operating strategy mainly emphasizes point-to-point service, instead of hub and spoke services employed by major American Airlines. Point-to-point service enables direct nonstop routing through lessening connections, delays and total trip time. Consequently 78 percent of Southwests customers fly non-stop. As of December 2008, the companys average aircraft trip stage length was 636 miles with an average duration of around 1.8 hours (Datamonitor: Southwest Airlines, 2009). This strategy also allows the firm to give their market with frequent conveniently time flights and low fares. The firm also provides services like Dallas Love Field to Houston Hobby 30 weekday roundtrips; Phoenix to Las Vegas, 17 weekday roundtrips and Los Angeles International to Oakland, 18 weekday roundtrips. This service also complements high frequency short haul routes with long haul continuous service between destinations including Phoenix and Tampa Bag, Las Vegas and Orlando, San Diego and Baltimore and Nashville and Oakland. Furthermore, Southwest serves downtown airport that consists of the following Houston Hobby, Chicago Midway, Baltimore-Washington International, Dallas Love Field, Long Island Islip, Oakland, Burbank, San Jose, Manchester, Providence and Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood. These airports are less crowded that other airlines hub airports (Datamonitor: Southwest Airlines 2009). As U.S. Department of Transportation stated, Southwest Airlines is the biggest air carriers in the United States in terms of figures of originating passengers boarded and the number of scheduled domestic departures. The companys operating strategy allows them to attain high asset utilization and consistent on-time performance. It also increase company revenues and tap lucrative markets (Datamonitor: Southwest Airlines 2009). The company operates using a low cost structure that is created to enable them to charge low fees to their clients. The firm has lower unit costs on average compared to major carriers. The firms low costs structure is supported by Companys reliance upon single aircraft type, their operationally efficient point-to-point structure and its highly productive workforce. The use of single aircraft type allows the company to simplify scheduling, flight operations, maintenance and training activities (Southwest Airlines Co. 2009). Employee Engagement Plan Employee Engagement Plan of the company has four levels due to the fact that employee engagement involves considering two principles. The first principle is that the company can acquire the biggest payoff by the engaged employees who can incorporate more value to the firm or those who can achieve the strong job motivation. The second principle is that no single engagement strategy can be considered as effective in all employees, therefore it would be advisable to experiment first before implementing the strategy (McCrimmon 2009). The first level is the basis level of engage that employs motivational factors that are very much familiar to the corporate world for years including effective supervision, unambiguous direction, career/professional development, employee empowerment, open communication, recognition and establishing a great work environment. These strategies involving doing something for staff but most of them are paternalistic in nature. While this basic level of engagement is clearly essential, using it alone (without employing higher levels of employee engagement) offers minimal chances of achieving successful results (McCrimmon 2009). For instance, when employees complaint about poor working conditions (basis level of engagement), they are actually complaining the feeling of being undervalued, disengaged, powerlessness and low sense of self worth. Since they prefer to blame something not related to their social need, poor working conditions serves as their scapegoat (McCrimmon 2009). Therefore, fixing these elements encourages employees to search for something else to blame. In great places to work, poor working conditions do not exist. However, ownership still focuses on managerial ranks, therefore, nothing has changed fundamentally. Employees often resign or claim early retirement with a sense of frustration often stating slow career progress. However, the sense of powerlessness and being undervalued is really the main reason for leaving the organization (McCrimmon 2009). The second level involves considering employees as suppliers of services. However, acquiring this level requires a corporate culture that encourages personnel to consider themselves as handling their own businesses, being suppliers of services. Being paternalistic in nature, majority of organizational cultures acquire so much responsibility in developing their people (McCrimmon 2009). The third level of employee engagement is engaging leadership that necessitates culture change since it requires managers to change their perspectives concerning their roles. This is beyond second level engagement since this requires encouraging managers to become more proactive in searching input from employees though it also places more pressure to perform more thinking and should not become satisfied of simply following directions (McCrimmon 2009). Employees who prefer this level of engagement should learn more about business strategy in order to reach and engage higher level discussions regarding fundamental business direction. This is more difficult to attain since this deprives management of some of the authority they use to achieve their career success. They should be rewarded for team success and not only for their great ideas and decisions (McCrimmon 2009). The fourth level of engagement consists of higher level of culture change. Rather than consider employee ideas as suggestions, their ideas are employed in bottom-up leadership. Higher confidence is thus necessary for employees in order to challenge their bosses while managers should develop the sense of receptivity when challenged (McCrimmon 2009). For instance, flight stewardess have closer connections with their clients, therefore, they are more aware with the needs of their clients. Flight stewardess suggestions should be valued by managers and must be considered in improving services provided by the airlines. They should also have representatives that could challenge business strategies of the company especially if these strategies are contrary to the clients needs. Steps of the Change Program you would implement to embed Employee Engagement Engagement is defined as the positive two way relationship between employees and their organization. These two are both aware of their own and others needs and they have their respective ways of to satisfy those needs. Employees and organizations who are engaged will work an extra mile since they see the benefit of doing so (Armstrong, 2007, p. 272). Level One The first step in embedding in Employee Engagement is starting with the basics-level one Employee Engagement. This involves effective management, unambiguous direction, career or professional development, employee empowerment, open communication, employee recognition and establishing a good work environment. Managers should implement strategies that promote aforementioned elements. The first one is to encourage open communications (McCrimmon 2009). Open Communications can be defined as a climate that encourage workforce to participate in decision making. Employees should also feel that the organization trusts them in order to sustain the integrity of communication channels. Since not every employee is capable of making specific executive decisions, in some way, employee can participate in decision making whether through ideas suggested during staff meeting or a simple suggestion box (Open Communication: How Important Is It Really? N.d.) If employees feel they have a share in improving company operations, they sense confidence to the organizations future. They will eventually demonstrate the best work ethics within the company. However, implementing this strategy can be difficult since this might earn oppositions from other executives (Open Communication: How Important Is It Really? N.d.). While the CEO has the right to implement this strategy despite the opposition, the success of open communication also necessitates initiatives of other executives and managers. In this sense, CEO should first learn to encourage dissents of open communications so that they would be able to participate effectively. Good work environment also serve as the fundamental part of employee engagement. Good work environment involves prevention of accidents and work occupation injuries that represent economic burden for employees, employers and to the society as a whole. Within the airline perspectives, this requires ensuring that the aircrafts are in good condition. Facilities and equipment inside the aircraft should also be maintained properly. If the employees feel that they are safe, they become more productive and provide services of higher quality (Why is a good working environment good for business? 2008). Good work environment could also involve sufficient space for employees to move freely when they perform their work. Another important component of level 1 employee engagement is the Employee Empowerment that pertains to a process the allows or authorizes every person to think, act, behavior and control decision making and work in autonomous fashion. It can also be defined as a state of feeling self-empowered to take control of their respective destinies. Managers often have the power to provide that empowerment on the people under him (Heathfield 2010). As a result, these people often wait for bestowment of their empowerment and the manager would then ask why his/her subordinates do not act in empowered ways. This often results to negative concept of empowerment. In this sense, managers should initiate bestowing empowerment and the organization must establish a work environment that fosters skills and desire of their employees to perform in an empowered manner. The company has the responsibility to eliminate the barriers that restrict the ability of their employees to perform in empowered fashion (Heathfield 2010). Career development pertains to organized planning process employed to align the needs of a business with employees career goals. Creating a career development plan can support employees in performing their work more efficiently. Furthermore, these plans can be more beneficial for employees who might want to transfer in a company or search for other jobs in the future. Managers and human resources personnel often have direct responsibility in implementing career development process. HR professionals could create a compensation structure that satisfies both the business needs that enables career growth (Faria, 2003). For example, improvements in their performance might result to higher compensation or bonuses such as all expense paid travel. The executives and managers of the airline should elicit their support in career development programs like these. Otherwise, such compensation structure will not be implemented in the first place. Employees should feel that the organization encourages them to become more mature professionally. Clear direction involves clear communications of organizations expectations towards their employees. Organization should ensure that their expectations are clearly communicated to their employees since this serve as contributing factor to employee satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Communicating clear performance expectation often begins with strategic planning process of executives (Heathfield 2010). The way they convey such plans and goals to their employees is necessary to develop an organization wherein all components are linked and reaching the same direction. Executive leaders should clearly communicate their expectations for the teams performance and anticipated outcomes to match each area of the organization with their mission and vision. They must also define the organizations culture of teamwork preferred by the company (Heathfield 2010). Level Two Employees must learn to consider their leaders (e.g. executives and managers) as customers and be trained on marketing and developing their businesses themselves. Business development will encourage being proactive to become more updated with the needs of internal customers and promote creative thinking regarding additional ways for adding value to the services provided (McCrimmon 2009). If employee performs extra responsibilities for additional pay, they could sense some ownership that small business owners also sense. Consequently, employee might demonstrate higher level of initiative to enhance performance of the firm. Career development, restructured as business development would be based on employee initiatives (McCrimmon 2009). However, the engagement of this level requires managers to treat their subordinates as supplier partners and promote a sense of ownership over the business. To become successful suppliers of services, employee requires training and support to provide more solution and become less dependent on managers rather than spoon feeding them (McCrimmon 2009). Level Three and Level Four of Employee Engagement This level of engagement necessitates changing from valiant, transformational leadership towards a more engaging style, where leaders shift from being solution generating players to facilitators, coaches and catalysts (to be discussed further in section C). Role that the Leadership Team should take in the implementation of that plan and the preferred Leadership Team that must be practiced. The leadership style within the airlines should be incorporated with humility. As suggested by Jim Collins in Level 5 leaders, incorporating humility among leaders have a good reason: the industry is too complicated and fast changing, therefore it would be hard for one person to realize them all (McCrimmon 2009). Executive leaders and managers who often base their confidence on their capability of developing solutions can face difficulties at times when they seem confident. It would be easier to base their confidence on their capability to ask some facilitative questions. If compared to sports, business is all about playing coach instead of sitting on the bench simply coaching (McCrimmon 2009). Leaders who are solution generators often ask factual questions to realize issues so that they could create their own solutions. Unlike solution generators, engaging leaders often acquire ideas instead of facts through asking either of the following questions (McCrimmon 2009): What do you think is the major issue? What are the options you consider in addressing this problem? What is your chosen option and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the preferred option? Who are the people that must be involved in the implementation? What will it take and how long to implement this plan? (McCrimmon 2009) Engaging questions should not be limited to brainstorming sessions or quality circle meetings. Leaders can ask these questions whenever their subordinates come to them with the issue. Managers should restructure their role from authoritative manager and solution generator to being catalyst, coach and facilitator. Attaining the third level of engagement requires managers to eliminate some of their most loved responsibilities such as being so much involved in significant business problems and providing solutions for the most challenging strategic issues. It would be insufficient to ask employees how they could solve their work-related issues (McCrimmon 2009). One advantage of changing leadership style is this is simple to implement compared to cultural change. The latter is often time consuming and expensive but with minimal effort, it would be easier to encourage managers to become more engaging. Managers must reposition their roles as facilitators, catalysts to prevent violating employee expectations that managers should be answer givers. Managers might selective persuade some of their subordinates, specifically those receptive ones, to consider themselves as self employed service providers. Managers could establish processes that can confirm the productivity gains of such processes (McCrimmon 2009). Furthermore, as airlines shift across the four levels of employee engagement, the organizational gradually minimize the gap between employee empowerment and dependency. A transformational leadership that can be heroic in nature focuses on psychological perception of ownership and increases dependency. Considering that leadership should be demonstrated as bottom-up is valuable processes in equalizing this power balance, therefore this could develop more shared ownership and solid group effort is supporting organization to become more prosperous. The last three levels of employee engagement have a common characteristic: they involve employees minds and stimulate them to perform more thinking for themselves and for the companys future (McCrimmon 2009). The fifth level leadership consists of strategies that involve employees by making providing them a stronger sense of giving direction to the firm or at least, some parts of it. People are inherently passionate of their ideas and when employee promotes new products and process improvements to their managers, they usually demonstrate much more passion that they do for their regular work (McCrimmon 2009). The complex concept of leadership that might involve challenging the status quo has a strand. Leadership is linked to a romantic notion particularly people would like to view themselves as leaders for the same objectives they want to imitate their idols in sports, movies or music. However, unlike leaders, subordinates are often encouraged to become more engaged using bottom-up thought leadership. One good example is the Sony employee who created Playstation and influenced his senior management to create it. Similarly, staff of ticketing department could share their ideas on how to accelerate and improve ticketing process. They could also share their ideas on how to minimize losses associated with ticket cancellation, for instance, imposing cancellation fees to discourage passengers from cancelling their tickets. Nevertheless, the main important feature of this leadership is the courage to share their ideas despite of potential risks associated with it (McCrimmon 2009). In addition, the culture change necessary to implement the fifth level of employee engagement completely involves considering that much of executive activity is actually management that is suitable for fostering and supporting a coaching function. In this case, executive must only demonstrate leadership if they could promote a better fashion (McCrimmon 2009). When executive perform in facilitative fashion, employing engaging question, they are actually employing a managerial technique, instead of demonstrating leadership. Therefore, engaging leadership as mentioned in level 3 engagement is actually an engaging management. If they want to attain a passionate degree of employee engagement is to remove their monopoly on leadership. They must incorporate humility and emotional intelligence to change their identity to an executive that demonstrates an engaging leadership. Implementing such as major mind shift necessitates executives to disregards their pride and ego needs and view the potential of employees engagement through sharing their leadership tasks (McCrimmon 2009).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Jungle Night :: essays research papers

Critical Analysis of Jungle Night The speaker of the poem is a civilian observer, probably a local. There is a sense of tension and fear in the speaker’s tone. The speaker uses an observatory tone in the poem, a combination between 1st and 3rd person. The author shows us that the speaker is an observer when he says "They are not there†¦/You finger the trigger of your Bren." (ll. 8&10) You can clearly see that the author creates tension when he says "Half-fearing, half-desiring the sudden hell/ Pressure will loose." (ll. 11-12) The poet has a way of building us up to a climax then letting us down, and again he gets us on the edge of our seat, only to sit back down quickly. This poem is written very literally and does not have any deep hidden meanings. The author gives us a sense of predator prey between the "Man with the green cigarette" and the "Man with the dark blue cloak." We are given a feeling that the cigarette man is hunting and stalking waiting to kill the man with the cloak. The author also uses the image of a "Man with the tiny anvil" who we see as really un-important however we fail to realize that he actual adds a great deal of suspense with the way he taps the metal. In the first stanza he "†¦Strikes it softly like a bell-Tink-tink; tink-tink." (ll. 3-4) and in the second to last stanza "Strikes-twice; Strikes-twice" (l. 21) which gives a sense that something more is yet to come. In the first stanza when the two men are first introduced, the author uses very soft words, which gives us a sense of peace and serenity. However in the second to last stanza he uses onomatopoeia again saying "Drip-drip; drip-drip"(l. 19) and "Strikes-twice; strikes-twice"(l. 21) which shows us that there is a greater sense of urgency arising and perhaps something is going to happen between these men. Through the use of the language the author is able to give us a sense of what the lone soldier with the Bren is feeling when he sees the two men walk by. The speaker gives us a very human feel when he says, "They are not there/then one of the whistles softly/you finger the trigger of your Bren (ll. 8-10), which allows us to connect with this soldier on a very real and human level.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Importance of Fidelity in Julius Caesar :: Julius Caesar Essays

Importance of Fidelity in Julius Caesar Humans have always been communal animals. They band together in groups, for social and survival needs. This sense of community brings about the values of dedication and loyalty. The alliances man has created inspires stories and plays about any number of time periods. Many examples of fidelity are illustrated in the characters of Julius Caesar. Antonius appears to be blindly loyal to Caesar. He comes off as a rash supporter in the scene that depicts Antonius viewing Caesar's body. Another situation where Antonius displays fidelity to Caesar is act one, scene two, in which the young runner pledges that whatever Caesar wishes is his command. The wild soliloquy he gives illustrates his allegiance to the slain king, and he seems to sacrifice his body to Caesar's spirit. Such devote feelings spur the reader to wonder what deed Caesar did for Antonius that the younger man would harbor said emotions. Not only the men of Julius Caesar but the women also show loyalty. Although Caesar's wife, Calpurnia, portrays herself as a needy woman, she also shows that she loves her husband very much. Fear overwhelms her when Caesar announces that, though he's been warned that the day would be his deathday, he would go outside. Calpurnia's dread of losing her husband shows that she depends on him very much. However, it is questionable in which way she depends on him: emotionally or monetarily. A woman accustomed to being pampered as an important official's wife would likely wish for her wealthy husband to live, and Calpurnia does give the impression that she is high maintenance. However, it would be unfair to claim she is only loyal to Caesar's money. Portia, on the other hand, is one of the most famous examples of a pledge of faith. She feels hurt that her husband, Brutus, would keep secrets from her because she has never done anything to harm him. She shows him how great her love for him without words by stabbing herself in the thigh, although her eloquent speech is moving as well: "I have made a strong proof of my constancy giving myself a voluntary wound here, in the thigh; can I bear that with patience, and not my husband's secrets?

The Great Depression in Canada :: essays research papers

Canada suffered its longest and most terrible economic depression in its history between 1929 and 1939. It is now known as the Great Depression. This essay will demonstrate the major causes, political, economic and social consequences, and the government’s solutions from the Great Depression. The Great Depression affected all of Canada and is a key part of our history. It is important that we learn from it so we can prevent it from happening again. There were many causes for the Great Depression. The first and one of the largest was the stock market crash. Before 1929 the stock market was flourishing and everyone wanted to buy stocks. People were so confident in the stock market that they were buying â€Å"on margin†, which meant that brokers would lend them 10% of the money they invested (D1). The problems began when stocks were being over speculated. When people began to realize this, they began selling there shares. On October 29, 1929, 16 million shares were sold (D9). This day became known as â€Å"Black Thursday†, the day the stock market crashed (D12). The second reason was the overproduction of goods. Factories had already produced too many goods and now there was no demand for them. The government began to raise tariffs to protect Canadian industries but things only led downhill from there. There were two major political consequences of the Great Depression. The first was that new political parties were formed in Canada. The new political parties were the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), the Social Credit Party, and the Union Nationale (UN). The CCF was founded by J.S. Woodsworth and believed in the establishment of minimum wage, accident and sickness insurance, old age pensions and unemployment insurance. The Social Credit Party was founded by William Aberhart. He believed that governments should issue money to everyone so that they could buy goods in a form of â€Å"social credits†. In the 1935 provincial elections he took 56 of 63 seats giving him a total victory. The UN was founded by Maurice Duplessis due to the union of Action Liberale Nationale and the Conservative Party. They promoted the traditional values of the Catholic Church and believed in a rural lifestyle. The second political consequence was a conflicted relationship between the fe deral and the provincial governments. The depression showed the federal government that provincial governments did not have enough money to carry out significant projects. The Great Depression in Canada :: essays research papers Canada suffered its longest and most terrible economic depression in its history between 1929 and 1939. It is now known as the Great Depression. This essay will demonstrate the major causes, political, economic and social consequences, and the government’s solutions from the Great Depression. The Great Depression affected all of Canada and is a key part of our history. It is important that we learn from it so we can prevent it from happening again. There were many causes for the Great Depression. The first and one of the largest was the stock market crash. Before 1929 the stock market was flourishing and everyone wanted to buy stocks. People were so confident in the stock market that they were buying â€Å"on margin†, which meant that brokers would lend them 10% of the money they invested (D1). The problems began when stocks were being over speculated. When people began to realize this, they began selling there shares. On October 29, 1929, 16 million shares were sold (D9). This day became known as â€Å"Black Thursday†, the day the stock market crashed (D12). The second reason was the overproduction of goods. Factories had already produced too many goods and now there was no demand for them. The government began to raise tariffs to protect Canadian industries but things only led downhill from there. There were two major political consequences of the Great Depression. The first was that new political parties were formed in Canada. The new political parties were the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), the Social Credit Party, and the Union Nationale (UN). The CCF was founded by J.S. Woodsworth and believed in the establishment of minimum wage, accident and sickness insurance, old age pensions and unemployment insurance. The Social Credit Party was founded by William Aberhart. He believed that governments should issue money to everyone so that they could buy goods in a form of â€Å"social credits†. In the 1935 provincial elections he took 56 of 63 seats giving him a total victory. The UN was founded by Maurice Duplessis due to the union of Action Liberale Nationale and the Conservative Party. They promoted the traditional values of the Catholic Church and believed in a rural lifestyle. The second political consequence was a conflicted relationship between the fe deral and the provincial governments. The depression showed the federal government that provincial governments did not have enough money to carry out significant projects.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Evaluate the View That the Separation of Ownership

Evaluate the view that the separation of ownership from control in large firms inevitably leads to diseconomies of scale. The separation of ownership from control can be defined as the situation in which the shareholders of a firm do not manage or control it. The shareholders of large publicly owned have no controlling interest and hence the managers and directors run the organisation. Diseconomies of scale can be described as the increase in the long term average cost of production as the scale of operation increases.It can be argued that the separation of ownership from control can lead to diseconomies of scale due to the lack of communication between managers and shareholders, hence inefficiency and averages costs increase. But it could also be argued that large firms can also benefit from economies of scale whilst being operated through the separation of ownership from control the diseconomies of scale are not always ‘inevitable’ as described above. Firstly, the sepa ration of ownership from control can lead to managerial diseconomies of scale.The power the shareholders have over the disciplining and monitoring of its executive management is reduced and as a result of this, managers may cause inefficiency by pursuing certain objectives for their own self-interest and at the expense of the shareholders. If the managers of the firm are measured and rewarded on achievement of growth targets rather than profit and return to shareholders then they may lose focus on cost control e. g. supplier costs and as a result this could drive up the average costs of production.This would have a bigger impact on large firms due to the scale of production. The costs will be felt on a much larger scale, particularly if this culture affects the way the whole of the business operates not just one business area. The extent on the managerial diseconomies of scale will depend on the objectives of the managers. If their personal targets are to ensure high business perfor mance, then this increase in average cost may not be felt as they may aim to increase productive efficiency to maximise profit and dividends to shareholders.Conversely, although diseconomies of scale may persist in a large firm, the separation of ownership of control may not necessarily be the cause of it. There are other factors that may have contributed to the firm experiencing diseconomies of scale. The rapid growth of a firm may cause the employees to feel alienated if they feel that they aren’t valued as an individual. As a result of this, the productivity of demotivated employees may fall and the roductive efficiency of the firm will decrease, therefore increasing the average cost for each unit of output. The diseconomies of scale may also be caused by the inability for a firm to monitor the productivity of every one of its employees. The lack of supervision resulting from the size of the company and scale of production may mean that employees are not working to their o ptimum level of output or utilizing resources efficiently and this could result in wasted resources e. . From employee errors. Therefore the average cost of producing one unit of output increases. Although, there is not really an easy way to determine the exact cause of the diseconomies of scale. In the short term, it may cost more for the business to alter the way it operates to reduce the average costs. The rate of growth and output may mean that the business is not prepared to change its operations whilst it is generating such a large amount of revenue.In conclusion, I don’t think that separation of ownership from control will inevitably lead to diseconomies of scale for a large firm. Rapid growth is more likely to cause a business to experience them rather than the lack of control for shareholders of the firm. The most costly resources for a firm are employees and premises. The diseconomies of scale that a firm may experience may be due to the increase of overheads from t he rapid expansion before the increased volume profit and volume can be realised in the long term.Although the lack of control for shareholders may initially contribute to a rise in average costs as a firm expands (assuming that the managers want to operate the firm in a way that will meet their personal targets increase their salaries rather than maximise the return for the firm), the increase in average costs should be a short term phenomenon due to rapid increases in volume it should be outweighed by economies of scale generated from buying in large quantities.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Disney Animation And Child Development Film Studies Essay

Disney exalt films captivate the imaginativeness of an teemingness of community with magnetizing music, magnetic compositors cases, and graphic visuals. My naan, who had lived in poorness finished most of her childhood, venerate the Disney speed upd pictures as a pincer, because they were an outflow from world and gave her the hope of a break off hereafter. Because Disney c atomic number 18er played an of import insert out in my grandma s childhood, she replicated these memories with her kids and grandchildren done and through watching Walt Disney animate movies.Although I was as well infantile to retrieve my first experiences with the Disney shake movies, the first experience Disney stir movie that I can pull from store ingleside is the, The Little Mermaid . As a kid, I fell in rage with the large-hearted percentages and the enrapturing music from the film. The supporter Ariel was prosecuting to me as a kid because she was remark able-bodied and yearned to larn round a homophileity enigmatic to hers. The lifetime of The Little Mermaid is vivacious and presentations capturing soundtrack. The unfathomed project consists of a mermaid who is fascinated with the human populace and finds herself in recognise with Prince Eric whom she saves from shipwreck. Ariel s priapic p bent, pansy Triton, is in reality cautionary of his young woman and is c erstrned about her wonder for the human universe. In order to be with the wizard she loves, Ariel turns to the sea enchantress, Ursula, who casts a enchantment upon her to go human. The conditions for Ariel to stay a human are that she must acquire a adjust love s buss from Prince Eric inside three yearss, and that if she does non, she will incessantlylastingly be unable to implement her voice at one time more(prenominal). In the terminal, Prince Eric is tricked into falling in love with Ursula and Ariel must to cont expiry off Ursula in order to salvage the land and those she loves. King Triton apologizes for macrocosm likewise nurtureive of Ariel and allows her to populate merrily of all conviction after with Prince Eric. Disney s The Little Mermaid secret plan contains friendly relationships, wonder, effects from heedlessness, continuity, and the dangers of cosmos overprotective.Today, Disney life plays an active sign in my life because the films are comparative to neat-natured one s fellowship, encompas babble out creativity and wonder, and an inspiration. Disney gay movies check out given me outer space memories that I cherish with both friends and househ grey-haired. I want to go through on the same happy memories I had with my grandma by doing a particular break off to watch Disney s films with my younger household members. Recently, my three-year-old cousin Addy and I watched Disney-Pixar s Brave. Towards double back where the supporter, Merida, hugs both of her parents, Addy asked me if the princess loves her ma and dada? I told her yes, of class she does She replied I love my ma and daddy excessively Although my cousin whitethorn neer retrieve that minute, it s a minute that I will ever retrieve.Walt Disney Animated Studios embraces positive childhood increment through their movies. The Disney lively films focus on a assortment of subjects that can animate kids to inquiry, love and imagine. Although these movies may be viewed nevertheless every bit amusement to more or less people, to others it is a utile tool to trail kids about auxiliary life lessons through an piquant medium. Disney animated movies focal points on animating kids to be spoiled, as meddle round and admiration is ingrained in the attainment procedure. Disney implements the thought of being analytical and funny through characters that are of course speculative with a strong desire to larn. For illustration, Belle from beauty and the Beast, is a miss with an fact-finding nature and whose avocation is reading. other ch aracter is Alice from Alice in Wonderland who falls down a lapin hole and lands in a universe that merely be stupefys funny and curiouser the longer she is in Wonderland. Examples of Disney s execution of creativeness are through audio-visual effects in the 1940 movie Fantasia . Fantasia s nucleus thought passim the movie is to upraise one to utilize their imaginativeness to make simple music, forms, and colourss to so go a wondrous multiform narrative inspired by score music. Creativity plays a cardinal determination in the Disney film Meet the Robinson s . Lewis, immature discoverer, uses his imaginativeness, creativeness, wonder, and dedication of accomplishing his end of in going a successful discoverer.Another property Disney animated studios incorporates into their plot lines is the grandness of loving one another. T for each oneing immature kids the important and diverse significations of love is indispensable in a kid s outgrowth. Many Disney animated mo vies teach the significance of loving 1s friends, households, and community. Whether it is love for a friend, or love for one s pipe dreams and wants, love dramas an indispensable component part in each of Disney s alive films. Examples of different signifiers of love include the 1940 movie, Pinocchio . Pinocchio is marionette who is loved by his Godhead, Geppetto. A fairyland as if by magic turns Pinocchio into a existent male person child and Geppetto loves Pinocchio like his ain boy. In The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh , Winnie the Pooh loves all of his friends in the One-Hundred ground Wood and they all work together with the challenges they face. In Pocahontas , the Native American princess makes the intention to be with her love John Smith, and attempts to protect her community from contending the English encroachers and to come to peace-loving footings. The Princess and the Frog is a narrative about loving and encompassing one s dreams in life. Tiana, the chief character, wishes to carry through her and her late male parent s dream of having a eating house and whole kit and caboodle problematical to do her dreams come true.Although Disney life promotes healthy kid development and indispensable accomplishments required for acquisition and turning, thither are some who weigh the movies may play a negative function in a kid s development. Those critics typically retrieve that Disney films are excessively unrealistic and have secret plans which union on anti-feminism, advancing philistinism and bring up indolence. As Walt Disney had one time said, every last(predicate) sketch characters and fabrications must be hyperbole, imitations. It is the really nature of phantasy and fable. For one to forbid pragmatism in a kid s narrative is unrealistic deep down itself. Many of the Disney animated movies are versions of narratives from general people narratives and other signifiers of old literature. The Grimm Brothers best written down the common people narratives of Snow White , Cinderella , and Sleeping apricot , and The Little Mermaid is an version of the narrative by Hans Christian Anderson. Therefore, many of the secret plans exactlyt popular Disney narratives are non created by Disney, but are or else Disney animated studio s ain readings of these narratives that are more household orientated than the original narratives themselves. some(prenominal) womens rightists argue that the Disney princesses set an unrealistic end of how adult females should act and look. They besides suppose that it teaches immature misss that a Prince Charming figure exists. However, many Disney princesses do hold character traits outside the traditional, stereotypical female function. In Disney s alive movie, Mulan , Mulan breaks off from the traditional imposts of her civilization of going a stereotyped Chinese married woman that serves her hubby, and alternatively disguises herself as a male soldier to p rotect her male parent and competitiveness for her state. Mulan does fall in love in the film with Captain Li Shang, who she in the beginning detests. However, the movie illustrates that Li Shang is non unflawed. Although some soldiers fraud around with Li Shang by identification him a reasonably boy, Li Shang proves that he is speculative, a good leader, and logical. some(prenominal) believe that the Disney princess movies contain unrealistic outlooks of beauty, and insists that the Disney princesses have a detrimental impact on a miss s outlooks and self-pride. However, they are non taking into consideration of the importance of the spectator s age. Many yearlings and immature kids still do non hold the cognitive ability to hold on the construct of an alive character to be puting the criterions of beauty . Then once they are old plenty to deduce that society has already placed a criterion for beauty, they are besides old plenty to understand that the princesses are anim ated characters and are non existent outlooks for life people. Some besides argue that Disney animated movies promote kids to be mercenary. However, while Disney does sell a battalion of merchandises, it is non the corporation s occupation to parent kids. It is alternatively the exclusive occupation of a kid s parents to check over against philistinism.Third, the thought that Disney animated movies promotes the unrealistic dream of life s jobs as if by magic disappearance and that working difficult can be avoided is untrue. Many of the Disney animated characters work hard in the narratives. Although Cinderella had a Fairy Godmother assist her in get awaying from her immorality stepmother and step-sisters, one can map that into a existent universe scenario that whole shebang hard in life, and had a favorable interruption with person being able to assist them accomplish a smash life. In the alive movie, The Princess and the Frog, Tiana must works difficult to do a life and s aves money to open up a eating house she has ever wanted.Disney animated movies had inspired me during my childhood old ages to show my creativeness and imaginativeness. Disney animated movies promote kids to be funny, inventive and originative, every bit good as encourage kids to love in a assortment of ways to gain healthy childhood development. Many of the Disney animated movies are versions from common people and faery narratives, every bit good as other novels throughout literary history. Although some may non back up kids sing Disney animated movies due to their ain readings of the movies and what they believe the movies portray, it is finally the parent s function to learn their kids of import life lessons and how to construe the films. It is merely the Disney Animation Studio s to entertain both kids and grownups their movies do furtherance a battalion of promoting messages that can understand a kid to integrate being inventive, funny, and loving into their ain lives. I n decision, Disney animated movies promote healthy childhood development. Parents and pedagogues should mighty integrate these movies for place amusement and for instruction through promoting kids to utilize their creativeness and concentrating on the ethical motives of the narrative.Work Cited Walt Disney Quotes. A Walt Disney Quotes. meet Disney, Web. 22 Jan. 2013.